Organism, Jelly
Typical Animal Level ("AL"): 2d4
Typical Number Encountered: 1
Alignment: N/N
Description: a translucent jelly-like blob, forming a cuboid shape when it squeezes down rectangular Dungeon passages, of size 50ft3 (3ft 8 in * 3ft 8 in * 3ft 8 in) per HP. Often filled with inorganic debris, e.g. rocks, armour, weapons and other treasure, which it cannot digest and can take some time to secrete.
Habitat: Dungeons (Gelatinous Cubes), Seabed (Blobs)
Language: none
Chars: none, substitute AL where required
Creep @ up to 5 ft/sec / 3 mph
Fighter Abilities:
AL/3, FRU AMR (may make multiple attacks at different targets in same second) D = 10 + (5AL) % RD = (5AL) % 5AL HP
Attack Modes:
Pseudopod @ A = 8AL %, DAM = 2d6 Acid Damage vs organic materials + if penetrate ADS to do >= 0 DAM causes Paralysis @ BTS(50+5AL)% (Co), repeat st to recover every 2AL sec. Note the Pseudopod does no damage to metal armour / shields, so cannot penetrate their ADS. The Cube will always aim for exposed flesh or areas protected only by leather armour.
A Paralised target loses control of his body, but retains control of his mind and senses. The Cube does not gain control of the target's body. A Paralised target will freeze / float in place (with eyes open if they were when paralised), and become vulnerable to being digested by the Crawler's Acid Damage, but be able to cast thought or reflex Spells.
HitLoc Table:
01 to (4 * total remaining HP)
ADS: 0 all over
Cutting damage (e.g. Swords and Axes) cuts off pieces of the Cube, which will form separate Cubes if >= 5HP, or will die if < 5HP
Blunt damage (e.g. Hammers) has no effect.
Effects of Specific Damage:
All Damage which affects it is taken as General Damage. For each 5HP taken, Cube takes AL -1.
Thievish Abilities:
Far Taste 20AL%
Other Abilities / Powers / Notes:
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