Animal Specification

Ochre Jelly

Organism, Jelly

Typical Animal Level ("AL"): 3d4

Typical Number Encountered: 1

Alignment: N/N

Description: a fluid, amoeba-like organism, of an ochre colour, of size 8ft3 (2ft * 2ft * 2ft) per HP.  It can adopt various shapes, and may separate without harm, but tends to conglomerate.

Habitat: Dungeons, Underground, Green Areas, Wilderness Areas

Language: none

Chars: none, substitute AL where required


Creep @ up to 6 ft/sec / 4 mph

Can squeeze through narrow gaps.

Fighter Abilities:

AL/3, FRU AMR (may make multiple attacks at different targets in same second)   D = 10 + (5AL) %    RD = (5AL) %    5AL HP

Attack Modes:

Pseudopod @ A = 8AL %, DAM = 2d6 Acid Damage vs organic materials.  Note the Pseudopod does no damage to metal armour / shields, so cannot penetrate their ADS.  The Jelly will always aim for exposed flesh or areas protected only by leather armour.

HitLoc Table:

01 to (4 * total remaining HP)

ADS: 0 all over

Cutting damage (e.g. Swords and Axes) fragments it into smaller Ochre Jellies, which will creep together.

Blunt damage (e.g. Hammers) has no effect.

Effects of Specific Damage:

All Damage which affects it is taken as General Damage.  For each 5HP taken, Ochre Jelly takes AL -1.

Thievish Abilities:

Far Taste 20AL%

Other Abilities / Powers / Notes:

  1. Corrodes wood, flesh and metal (not gold or mithril).
  2. Each 3HP of Damage it does to organic material become +1HP of Ochre Jelly.  Each 5HP it gains in this way increase its AL by 1.  It will normally become sated after gaining 1AL/Cd, unless it has taken Damage to recover.
  3. Secretes HP of Ochre Jelly, which either die or become separate Jellies in their own right.  Given a sufficient food supply it will tend to gain 1HP/Cd, after secretion.
  4. Senses by touch and taste, can Far Taste its prey using a pseudopod.
  5. Fire & Cold vulnerable
  6. Lightning, Acid & Poison resistant
  7. Can be affected by Enchanter Spells, but not Charmer or Illusionist Spells.

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