Animal Specification

Shining Algae

Organism, Mould

Typical Animal Level ("AL"): d4

Typical Number Encountered: d4

Alignment: N/N

Description: algae which phosphoresce with a blueish light, forming a thin layer of size 1ft2 per HP

Habitat: Dungeons, Underground, Depths of the Earth, Seabed, especially on wet rock

Language: none

Chars: none, substitute AL where required



Fighter Abilities:

0 AMR    D = 0    RD = 0    5AL HP

Attack Modes:


HitLoc Table:

01 to (4 * total remaining HP)

ADS: 0 all over

Cutting damage (e.g. Swords and Axes) may scrape off HP of Algae, which will survive independently with AL FRX (e.g. 1HP of Algae has AL 0.2).

Blunt damage (e.g. Hammers) has no effect.

Effects of Specific Damage:

All Damage which affects it is taken as General Damage.  For each 5HP taken, Algae takes AL -1.

Thievish Abilities:

Far Taste 20AL%

Other Abilities / Powers / Notes:

  1. Shines at LI 0 in a 10AL ft Radius with a pale bluish light as if it were a small flame.
  2. Thrives in the dark on wet rock, even underwater (fresh or salt).  Can survive in drier environments, so long as there is some moisture in the air, but will tend to die (@1HP/Cd) if exposed to sunlight or subject to constant movement.
  3. Fire and Lightning vulnerable
  4. Cold, Acid & Poison resistant
  5. Can be affected by Enchanter Spells, but not Charmer or Illusionist Spells.

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