* Originally classified as Secret Information
to the players in The Zombie Squad /
Now reclassified as Restricted Information: for those with knowledge of
coal mining only.
Coal is the union of the Elements of Earth and Fire. It is the ultimate igneous rock, for it will burn. It is produced underground by the Elementals of IGNE and TERRANA, who take red-hot streams of lava underground, cool them as they assimilate the rock through which they pass, and then turn them into rich seams of coal.
The Element of Air is the friend of coal, the Element of Water its enemy. Expose it to the air, light it with a flame, and it will burn, producing light and heat-giving fire. Throw water on it, and the fire will go out.
In the Overworld coal is rare, as the volcanoes which spew out the lava required for its formation are rare. There wood is used for fires, much to the annoyance of NORRID, Who objects to the felling of live trees rather than just taking dead wood.
But in the Underworld the reverse is the case. Coal is plentiful, and wood rare, and the coal-mining industry is widespread. Coal is used for the making of iron and steel, and many things which in the Overworld are made of wood are fashioned from metal in the Underworld; boats being a notable example. In such boats it is possible to navigate the lava-streams, propelled by oars of steel.
The greatest coalfields are to be found beneath Mount Gashrak, on which Ashazōrg founded its wealth, and below the Lip of Fire, where the Cauldron of IGNE produces the purest of lava.
Gūrdast ("Fire Mine" in the local Orcish) is on the latter field: just inside Hell, First Circle, Fifth Sector. It is rich in high-quality coal, and was mined some hundred years ago. It was abandoned for "security reasons", meaning that it was decided not to proced with mining operations so close to the Perimeter, because of the increased rosk of escape by slaves.
Now, however, the policy has been reversed. Coal is being consumed in Hell faster than it is created. The demand for high-quality fuel is driving operations back to the Lip, and even outside Hell into the Desert of Fire. Security squads now patrol well beyond the Perimeter.
Gūrdast is therefore to be re-opened, but first it must be cleared of "vermin" (meaning monsters, outlaws and/or wild undead). In a hundred years a few unpleasant things have made the Fire Mine their home. The authorities expect this, and have the solution. The clearing of Gūrdast is a task for the Zombie Squad.
The most intriguing denizen of Gūrdast is Sparks, a L2 Fire Elemental, assigned to ring-slavery by the Demon of Fire, to Whom his previous incarnation sold his soul. The ring was obtained in Summoning by a Hellish Binder, who was duped by Sparks into giving him the ring. Sparks then became his own master, making his home in the fire-caves of Gūrdast, to the other denizens of which he is a Salamander. He keeps to himself, wary of being re-enslaved, and frightened of falling into the power of IGNE, Who hates idle Elementals.
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