25 Varech 2501

Quote of the Month

"Wrecked on months of conflict,
Its enemies secure in its heart.
Victorious in the woods and hills,
But defeated on the open plain,
Choked on clouds of burning lotus,
It prepares to fight its last.

"Fortress-Kingdom of the Cavaliers,
Or land of Evil Bandits?

"What hope for Rockholme now?"

	('At the Edge of Defeat', by Lirra the Mad Poet)

The Armies Converge

A thousand years ago the borders of the Valdrean Empire were demarcated in earth. Today they are being redrawn in blood, as they were first determined two thousand years ago.

Whilst the forces of the Bastolli Generals, Cromach and Dastrer, kept the pro-Valdrean forces of Hugran under siege in the Citadel of Rockholme, around the Temple of Peace on Earth, three massive Valdrean Armies converged on the City.

The Valdrean Central Army advanced up the Rockholme Road. There it was cut off from its supply, and then cut to pieces, by a numerically inferior Kavaleri Army under General Maglan, 4 Varech. Earlier that day the Emperor Arril had offered to meet Cromach and Dastrer for talks in the Temple of Peace on Earth, but had been rejected.

The Valdrean Southern Army advanced through the forests. It, too, was defeated by the Kavaleri, this time under Ardfast (now a General in the field), at Gafar Bluffs on the 14th.

Arril now took personal command of the Valdrean Northern Army, advancing over the open highlands North of Rockholme. On the 19th, at Kamanor, he routed a Kavaleri Army under Kelvan. The remaining Kavaleri regrouped at the foot of Rockholme Mount, ready to defend the City.

The Adventurers Strike

Meanwhile "strike forces" of Valdrean Nobles and adventurers had been in operation. Simultaneous assassination attempts on the 8th against Cromach and Dastrer failed, although the former came very close to success. Further attempts, on the lives of Maglan on the 20th, Ardfast on the 21st, and Kelvan on the 24th, did no more than test the Generals' defences.

The City is Secured

In the City the Bandits continued to "secure" it against the Valdreans. Suspected Valdrean sympathisers, especially those who had embraced the worship of Good Gods, or of SARAN, were put to death by patrols of Cromach's and Dastrer's men, and the old Temples re-opened. According to Dastrer, taking part in his patrols was Ichixal, a Cleric of CAERULAS associated with the Temple of Peace on Earth. Cromach, for his part, is said to have been assisted in his attacks on the Citadel by a Demonic fighter riding a "Giant Red Phase Scorpion", who is rumoured to have taken out a strongly-defended tower on his own.

The Lotus Burns

As it advanced on the City, the Valdrean Northern Army burnt the Black Lotus fields (now in full bloom) before it, causing vast clouds of drug-laden yellow smoke, which blew over Rockholme, and the defenders beneath it, on the 23rd and 24th. The whole of the Citadel defences were recaptured, and the former besiegers thrown into further disorder. Dastrer was killed, and his command taken by Zergal, one of his former lieutenants.

The Crusade for Truth Begins

The Crusaders for Truth held their Inaugural Meeting and founded their Order at the Bjarmigen Temple of Peace on Earth 2 Varech. Their first noteworthy act was to intercede for a peaceful resolution of the imminent conflict at Eralham. One member, Olak-Ksirrin, Teleported around the World putting the case of the People's Council of Eralham for freedom from compulsory Valdrean rule.

The Valdreans Return to Eralham

The Valdrean Navy had been blockading Eralham since it rebelled. On the 16th the Valdrean Army, under Kalar, 2nd Champion of Tarm, arrived. Kalar surrounded the town, and demanded it open its gates and hand over those responsible for the "massacre" of Valdrean and Northern troops. The Council refused, but Kalar did not attack at once. At Dawn of the 19th he challenged the entire Council to single combat against himself to decide the fate of Eralham. They accepted, but when they turned up for the Duel, outside the walls at midday, their number had increased from 8 to 24!

Wise to this, Kalar offered either to fight the original 8, or to bring in 2 of his Generals as seconds. Out of the Eralham crowd a crossbow bolt flew straight for his head. Calling on SARAN, Kalar deflected the poisoned bolt with Asareal, Holy Sword of Tarm.

The Crusaders for Truth had previously tried to negotiate between the two sides, but had been spurned by Kalar, who announced that the members concerned had forfeited their neutrality as Triumdeate Clerics by assisting a rebellion within Valdrea. Now they intervened with Words of Peace, stopping the fight which was breaking out, and making those leaders who were Peaced sign a Treaty. General Alexis signed for the Valdreans, Kalar having Word of Recalled.

Eralham's peace was short-lived. Kalar tore up the Treaty, as not binding on the Empire because it was signed "under duress or Charming", and the Valdrean Army and Navy launched a full-scale assault upon the town at first light of the 20th. The vastly-outnumbered townspeople were taken by surprise, and quickly defeated.

The Executions Commence

The following day, at Dawn, the executions commenced. The Valdrean Lord High Executioner, Kravar Champion of Aven, started with those Crusaders for Truth who had been captured "fighting for the rebels". All surviving members of the (24 man) Council were then hung, drawn and quartered under regeneration. As a further example to all would-be rebels, everyone who had borne arms against the Empire (except those who had guarded the Valdrean and Northern prisoners, and those who had thrown down their arms and surrendered without a fight) were beheaded. Their heads were put on poles, lining the road towards Alyrion, on the old Border. Four Crusaders for Truth, including Olak-Ksirrin, were proclaimed traitors and outlaws. Lastly, Eralham lost the "special status" previously granted to it.

The Emperor Intervenes

Arril was furious when he heard what Kravar had done to the ordinary soldiers. He Teleported to Eralham from the Northern Bandit Front on the 22nd, and duelled Kravar to determine whether he was right. It was a hard-fought duel, but Kravar had the edge, and forced Arril to concede. Having proved the correctness of his conduct, Kravar rechallenged Arril for the Lion Throne the next day. But this time Arril forced Kravar to concede, and so retained the Emperorship.

DM's note

Your orders are requested for the month of Sarm 2501, which I shall be running during August and September 1984.

© P.R. Wild, 2 August 1984

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