The Season So Far...

Overworld & Underworld: Winter 2503/04

7 Weven 2503

Winter has come again, and with the first snows the joint Church of ESCUS in the North and Temple of Peace on Earth Missions have arrived in the Badlands, bringing the first cornucopiae to the Strongholds of Clan Omechar and Clan Chayvin (being the Valdrean invasion point).  With the co-operation of the local Clan Leaders Lord Protector Harrek has established cordons around them (at a discreet distance from the TPE Clerics) to protect the cornucopiae from raids and is sending out patrols to guard the food distributions.  His speech praising ESCUS' bounty was less well-received by the locals.

There have been yet more Wolf Cult-related disturbances in Kyr, apparently fuelled by the star-shards fallen from Heaven.  Some of the wilder stories say that whole woods have uprooted themselves and attacked villages that had expelled the Cult and burned its temples.

8 Weven

In the Valdrean Empire, Kyarlin Champion of Heaven (recently deposed as Commander of Fort Venture) has challenged for the Office of Lord High Chancellor.  This is an unusual move, as the post is traditionally held by a supporter of the incumbent Emperor (Kalar, 3rd Champion of Tarm at present), and Kyarlin has always remained independent of Arril I's faction.  It is therefore something of a challenge to the Emperor's authority, especially as there has been a simultaneous challenge by Relvon, 4th Champion of Heaven, for the Office of Attorney-General; another important governmental post.  The Duels will be held in Valdran on 14 Weven.

9 Weven

The Church of ESCUS and the Temple of Peace on Earth have established cornucopiae in the Badlands at Clans Omechar, Chayvin (captured by the Valdreans last Autumn) and Karno.  The distributions from the Chayvin cornucopia are suffering heavily from raids by Clan Steel of the Iron Hills (the other Clan, apart from Omechar, that declined to join McAndar's Warband last Spring).  Some of the other Badlanders are co-operating with the distribution.  Others are raiding it, or fighting over the food after the Clerics have left.  Lord Protector Harrek is said to be leading a counter-raid upon Clan Steel.

11 Weven

The Dwarven Army beneath Heaven has now rescued most of its buried survivors.  Volunteers and conscripts who have seen out their tours of duty (the war having begun back in Sarm 2501) are being demobbed, and heading home as heroes.  Others are relocating to the Lower Front, where the war continues against the Forces of Hell.  The Dwarves have built up considerable experience of Dungeon warfare, with their veteran fighters, Black Puddings and other tricks, and many are keen to continue what started as no more than a diversionary campaign and way of protecting the Army's rear.  Rumours also persist of a secret force of Evil/Lawful orcish prisoner battalions.  Now that the Angels are no longer involved, Aldor of Aven, Lord Commander of Fort Venture, has also committed a greater force of Valdrean Nobles and adventurers, many of whom are keen for a chance of glory and experience, having missed out on the "big show" against Heaven.  When asked whether they seriously intended to take Hell as well, General Thorgrim "Bloodtaster" is rumoured to have said "Why not?"

14 Weven

Advertisement posted at Dwarf Hold (in Khuzdul):

"Hero-Liberators of Heaven,

Have your magic items identified and priced for no fee and without obligation.  Trade them for items of more use to you - or sell them to return home with your fortune made.

In recognition of your heroic efforts, the Commander of Fort Venture has agreed to extend a 5% discount to items you buy.

Visit Quázil and Nima at Fort Venture.

Offer restricted to dwarves serving in or demobilised from the Dwarven Army of Liberation.  Offer may be withdrawn without notice.  Other terms and conditions apply."

In Valdran Kyarlin Champion of Heaven took the Office of Lord High Chancellor in his duel with Kalar, 3rd Champion of Tarm , and Relvon, 4th Champion of Heaven, took the Office of Attorney-General.

15 Weven

Lord High Chancellor of Valdrea Kyarlin has invoked an ancient law which allows the Chancellor to convene Parliament.  This is a full session of the Noble Houses, which has not sat for many years, as the Emperor has ruled in Privy Council.  Kyarlin has announced his intention to propose a Bill to abolish the law of Constructive Demon Summoning.  In a speech to the House of Heaven he stated that this would allow them to visit the rebuilt Heaven if they wish without resigning their Valdrean citizenship for fear of being prosecuted for consorting with Angels.  He made it clear that he regarded the Bill as vital to secure the future of the House of Heaven as part of the Empire.

Underworld News: Day 319 (16 Weven)

In the aftermath of the Fall of Heaven there have been many arguments between members of the Hosts of Evil Law and Evil Chaos respectively.  The Evil Chaotics blame the Evil Lawfuls for abandoning Heaven before its downfall.  The Evil Lawfuls blame the Evil Chaotics for letting it fall when entrusted with its defence and/or not destroying it properly.  The HAERIM Evil Neutral faction has done its part in pouring oil on the flames.  Previously the taunts and fights have been between lesser Beings, but there are now rumours that the argument has reached the very top, with WAGREN and TERRIK almost coming to blows.  Hell is on edge.

17 Weven

A battle has been fought at Sulphur Creek in the SW Badlands between Clan Steel and Clan Chayvin and their allies (including Harrek and his berserkers).  Clan Steel were routed, at heavy cost to the victors.

19 Weven / Day 322

The storm clouds of Winter gather, but the wars are far from over.  Skirmishing over food distribution continues in the Badlands.  The Dwarves and Valdreans are on the offensive deep in the Dungeons, heading towards Hell.  The forces of Hell continue their dogged resistance, but in Hell itself the Evil/Lawful and Evil/Chaotic factions are on the brink of conflict.  Many of the veteran orcs who escaped before the Fall of Heaven are returning home to the Underworld rather than returning to the Lower Front.  Many are signing up as mercenaries, as the nations and Warlords of the Underworld build up their armies in fear of outright war between Evil/Law and Evil/Chaos, or of the rumoured invasion by the SARAN Dwarves and Valdreans of the Overworld and their supposed Evil/Lawful orcish prisoner army, or just in fear of their neighbours building up their forces.

22 Weven

The Valdrean Parliament has debated Kyarlin's Bill to abolish the law of Constructive Demon Summoning.  After lengthy debate an amendment was proposed by the Emperor to limit the definition of Demon Summoning to participating (actively or constructively) in Binding Magic-Using and/or receiving from Demons Delegated Powers or temporary advantages that could be used in Duels. A further lengthy debate followed as to whether "temporary advantages" could include magic items.  An attempt to make it so failed, but the previous uncertainty as to when receiving such a weapon could amount to Constructive Summoning remains.  But Kyarlin has succeeded in his main objective of legalizing fraternization with the Angels of Heaven, and so avoiding the feared split in the House of Heaven.

25 Weven / Day 328

As the snows fall across the North of the Overworld, the Church of ESCUS and the Temple of Peace on Earth continue their cornucopia relief effort in the Badlands, the cleanup parties in the North West Forest return to their homes, the Kingdom of the North strengthens its border defences against the traditional winter raids, and the Dwarves settle into their warm underground halls for heavy drinking sessions to celebrate their victory in Heaven and mourn the loss of so many brave comrades.

In the Underworld preparations for war gather pace, as tensions build and rumours continue to circulate.  The snows of Winter have blown in to the edge of the World and the hills, but it seems unlikely the various factions will wait for the Spring campaigning season.

4 Yarom

On the night of the Full Moon there was much howling of wolves in the snow-covered forests of Kyr.  People barricaded themselves in their homes, but there were a number of reports that the wolves were fighting amongst themselves.  One pack attacked Baroness Analisa's estate in Ravö, but was driven off.

6 Yarom / Day 334

It has by now become apparent that certain Clerical Gods have varied their Usual Bs following the Fall of Heaven:

This does not necessarily mean that an individual Cleric's B will automatically be adjusted.  Nor does it follow that any of the above Gods have gained or lost worshippers, as Clerical Gods may conserve or expend Clerical power.  But it does seem that the forces of War and Chaos are in the ascendancy, with Peace and Neutrality in decline.

13 Yarom

HIEMS extended His icy grip, and heavy snows fell across the North of the Overworld, from Rockholme to the Mountains of the Dwarves.  Most people huddled round their fires, but along the borders of the Kingdom of the North they prepared themselves for the usual migrations of raiders out of the frozen wastes to the North.  In Valdrea Lake Zarak froze (which it only does in the coldest Winters).

15 Yarom

The enterprising people of Valdran are holding an ice fair on the frozen Lake Zarak.

17 Yarom

On the night of No Moon there was a big goblin / wargrider raid out of the Northern Wastes into the Eastern March of the Kingdom of the North, reaching the town of Frayn, where they were driven back by the local militia and adventurers.

In Tehmor there has been an outbreak of factional violence between various Dark Cults and Brotherhoods.

26 Yarom / Day 354

It is the Midwinter Caeriad.  Gather your Holly whilst you may!


The North of the Overworld remains blanketed in snow.  The Badlanders are gathered in their roundhouses, trying to get by with the meagre stockpiles of dried food that survived the past year's wars, supplemented by occasional luxuries from the cornucopiae of the Church of ESCUS and the Temple of Peace on Earth.  Here and there bitter fights break out between rivals, and old scores are settled or fuelled.  The Kingdom of the North and a few adventurer volunteers maintain their vigil against raiders.  The people of Kyr listen to the wolves howling and scuffling in the hills.  The Dwarves in their mountain halls and the Valdreans on their frozen lake drink in the New Year, and celebrate the victories of the Old Year and the Restoration of Heaven.

In the South, life continues much as normal.  Shipping is disrupted by Winter storms and reports of increased frequency of Sea Monster attacks, but trade continues (with some price rises).  Business is particularly good for the arms dealers of Kuntax and the Southern Cities with the intermediaries of the Goblins.  The word is that the Hobgoblins have a new Emperor, and are up to something.  Since he has apparently united most of the warring Goblin factions and even (so it is claimed ) formed an alliance with their traditional enemies, the orcs of the Underworld, this might be cause for concern.  But the Goblins have no ships, and are too far away from civilization to be seen as a threat - so their nearest neighbours continue to sell them weapons.

In the Underworld open warfare has broken out in several places between the factions of Evil/Law and Evil/Chaos.  The Lesser Orcish Empire (E/L) has launched a big offensive against Hulmo (E/C), taking advantage of all the experienced veterans returned from the Dungeons and the cheaper mercenary pay rates in the current market.  There has been skirmishing in Gurdor, Zarmator, Harrig, and even (it is said) in Hell itself.  Some Evil Chaotics are even fighting each other: in Trikāf there is always war between the competing E/C warlords, and this year the fighting has been particularly bloody and is still far from finished.  There is also a persistent rumour (which arrived with the veterans from the Dungeons) that the Dwarves and SARAN Empire in the Overworld recruited an army of Evil/Lawful orcs from prisoners and are about to invade the Underworld, but nobody knows where.  The Greater Orcish Empire is mobilizing and recruiting mercenaries, but if their generals know what for, they are not saying.

1 Aval / Day 1, 2504

The Men of WACON are off on a Pegasus hunt, to replenish breeding stocks lost in the Fall of Heaven and Exodus.  In hard winters the Pegasi come down from the high mountains in Bandit Country in search of grazing, and hungry steeds can sometimes be tempted with offers of food.  However the Children of AMON from the Badlands also know of the vulnerability of the Pegasi, and are off on a Pegasus hunt of their own - but to feed their hungry Hippogriffs.

3 Aval / Day 3

There was increased activity amongst the Wolf Cults this Full Moon.  It was mostly a lot of howling, rather than attacks (although Ravö on Kyr was attacked once again).  Apparently 2504 is a special year for the Wolf Cults.  There will be two Full Moons in Estender, making it a Year of Fifteen Moons, which has some kind of arcane significance.  Or maybe it's just an excuse for a particularly good howl?!

6 Aval

Aldor Champion of Aven and Commander of Fort Venture, wielder of the new Magic Flaming Broadsword of the House of Aven has challenged the Emperor Arril I for the Lion Throne.  Aldor has been busy leading the fight against the Forces of Hell deep in the Dungeons.  Meanwhile his political allies have been keeping Arril embroiled in politics back home.  The Duel will be held in Valdran on 6 Destri.

Day 12 / 12 Aval

The town of Ved in the Land of Trikāf in the Underworld is under siege by the Warlord of the town of Kner.  Despite the winter conditions, the Knerrish forces have encircled the town, and are digging in for a siege.  Trikāf is an E/C land, where ZAKEL is strong, and its inhabitants do not let a bit of snow deter them from making war.

13 Aval

The goblin wargriders attacked Frayn in the Kingdom of the North again last night.  This time they succeeded in overwhelming the defenders, ravaged the town, and rode off towards Sitael.

15 Aval

The soldiers of the Kingdom of the North and their adventurer allies defeated the goblin wargriders at Sitael last night, and drove the survivors off into the mountains with their tails between their legs.

16 Aval

There have been aerial skirmishes over the SE Badlands, on the borders of Bandit Country, between the Pegasus-riding Men of WACON and the hippogriff-riding Children of AMON.  Whilst they were distracted fighting each other, their prize (a prince amongst Pegasi) got away.

18 Aval

Rumours are circulating in the Southern Cities that the Oasis of Olives and Eucalyptus in the Eastern Desert has been captured by the Hobgoblins, assisted by treachery from the Scorpion Cult.  The druids have been massacred.  Even wilder rumours say the goblin army is on the march to attack Iklaron, but there is a thousand miles of desert between the Oasis and the city, so that can't be true, can it?

Day 20 / 20 Aval

In the Great War between the Lesser Orcish Empire and the Land of Hulmo, the E/L Empire's big Winter Offensive ground to a halt when their new mercenary veterans from the War in the Dungeons proved more cautious than their commanders would have liked, and then their instincts for self-preservation began to spread to the Empire's soldiers.  Sensing the possibility of mutiny amongst the enemy, the E/C Hulmo forces launched a counter-offensive.  But the mercenaries and Empire troops were quite happy to defend their positions, and the Hulmo attackers suffered heavy losses.  The Empire then returned successfully to the attack.  Some are even saying that the whole mutiny business was a trap to mislead Hulmo spies.

Day 26 / 26 Aval

The Siege of Ved in the Land of Trikāf in the Underworld is in the grip of severe snowfall - unusual conditions this close to the Ash Wastes and Hell.  The defenders took advantage of the weather to launch a sortie, supported by undead, which broke the besiegers' encirclement.

1 Destri / Day 27

Most of the World is still in HIEMS' icy grip - with snow covering the land.  Spring still seems far away.  Badlanders are dying of famine in outlying farmsteads, and only the delivery of food by the Church of ESCUS and the Temple of Peace on Earth from their cornucopiae is keeping KRAK at bay.  Bitter skirmishes continue over such food as there is.  The Men of WACON and Children of AMON are still on their Pegasus hunts.  Goblin raids continue against the Kingdom of the North, but are sporadic.  In the Underworld the besiegers of Ved huddle round their campfires, and wait for the weather to break.

Scouts have returned to Iklaron from the Eastern Desert.  There is no sign of the rumoured goblin army marching towards them, but the capture of the Oasis of Olives and Eucalyptus by Hobgoblins is confirmed.

2 Destri / Day 28

The second Full Moon of the Year is greeted by even more frenzied wolf howling than the first.  Fortunately the Wolf Cults seem more preoccupied with howling at the Moon than attacking anybody, but the residents of Kyr have their doors and windows well boarded up at night.

Day 31 / 5 Destri

In the Siege of Ved in the Land of Trikāf in the Underworld the besiegers have taken advantage of an early thaw to launch their first major assault upon the outer walls.  For maximum ZAKEL credit this was undertaken in style, with siege towers, assault ladders and battering rams, supported by catapults, ballistae, demons and adventurer raids.  The outer walls fell, but the defenders withdrew their best troops into the inner citadel.

6 Destri

Today in the City of Valdran Aldor Champion of Aven and Commander of Fort Venture, Duelled the Emperor Arril I for the Lion Throne.  Aldor used Planewatch to guard against Arril's Etherealness trick, and counted on the new Magic Flaming Broadsword of the House of Aven to defeat the Sword of the Emperors in straight combat.  For his part, Arril relied on Prot vs Fire and tried Words of Stun.  Aldor attacked aggressively, whilst Arril parried, Blinked and Stunned whilst his sword was dancing.  Aldor was unable to land a decisive blow to the head, and fell to Arril's third Word of Stun.  Arril spared Aldor, who has returned to the War against Hell in the Dungeons.  Arril remains Emperor, and his reputation as a survivor grows, though his reliance on Elementalism is disapproved of by traditionalists.  (It is possibly treasonous to describe him as lucky, as it might imply he is Chaotic.)

Day 34 / 8 Destri

The rumour of a Lawful invasion of the Underworld, using the E/L orcs captured in the Fall of Heaven, continues to circulate.  The story doing the rounds of campfires at the Siege of Ved is that the Lawfuls are in the Far Hills, where they have been massacring Chaotic orcs, and that they will soon invade Trikāf itself, falling on the besiegers from behind.  Others say that this is just a lie spread by Vedean spies, in order to spread terror amongst the attackers.

Day 36 / 10 Destri

There has been a battle in Southern Zarmator, between the E/L army of Zert, Warlord of Klìn (who serves the Wizard Yeohrl) and the E/C army of Kraz Warlord of Vlàger (who serves the Wizard Nàrsan).  Despite Zert having the larger force, Kraz's tactics were superior and he had some unusual "special" units.  Zert was defeated, and is in retreat in some disarray.  The merchants of Klìn are said to be plotting with the Temple of ZAKEL for Brazh to take control of the town as Governor and avoid a siege - anything to protect the precious Spring Lotus crop.

11 Destri

The Men of WACON have returned to Valdrea with several fine Pegasi.  They defeated the Children of AMON, but have taken some casualties.  They have called for aid to be sent to the Badlands, to assist the TPE / Kingdom of the North effort, but the people of Valdrea remember the recent invasions, and are unmoved by the plight of the Badlanders.

12 Destri

The shipyards of the Southern Cities and Kuntax are all busy building warships, and the press gangs are out for crews.  The word in the dockside taverns is that the Goblins have been spotted building a navy in the Bay of CASPIS and are threatening the Jungle Ports.  Most believe they will be easily defeated, as goblins are no sailors.  However the bookies in Tehmor have shortened the odds on Port Kambo falling, after some unusually heavy betting.

Day 40 / 14 Destri

The rumour that the Lawfuls have invaded the Underworld is confirmed when a captured Evil/Lawful orc is paraded before the besiegers of Ved and made to confess his crimes before he is executed.  He admits that the Dwarves are in the Far Hills with an army of Evil/Lawful orcs, made up of former prisoners from the War in the Dungeons and the Fall of Heaven, and that they plan to invade the Evil/Chaotic Land of Trikāf.

18 Destri

During the night someone let off a large Alchemical Bomb in the High Temple of SARAN in the Hill Dwarven town of Tumunzahar and started a major fire in the coal yards.  The word in the local taverns is that several City Guards and a few 'innocent' thieves (who were quietly going about Guild business) were slit up by the mystery attackers.  Speaking with the Dead was useless, as the victims never knew what hit them.  By now word is also going around in the Overworld that the Dwarves are invading the Underworld, and some say this was a retribution attack by the Evil/Chaotics of the Underworld.

Remember, says the rumourmonger, you heard it from me first!

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