Clerical Spell Specification

[8] Cure Madness

BTS: 85% (Wp)

ULT: 100 hours (includes knowledge of the Madness System)

Materials: a possession of the Target's (preferably one important to him)

Actions: do something normal with Materials (e.g. if a weapon, weld it)

Effect of Throw:

Maximum Difference in Levels of Madness between Target and Caster: T/40 (FRU)    Sane people have Level of Madness = 0.

st mod:

For each 20% (FRU) by which the st is failed, the Target's Level of Madness is reduced by 1.  Note that the effects of successive Cure Madness Spells are therefore cumulative.

Unless the Target is completely cured, he makes a Hallucination check as normal on entering his new Level of Madness.

Range: 10d ft    -5d(d-1)/2 %

No. of secs since Target mind departed the body permanently for the Realm of Madness: m    -5m(m-1)/2 %


  1. Affects a single Target only. Spells only affects living minds.
  2. The Target will always attempt to save, even if lucid.
  3. If the Caster targets himself, the Difference in Levels of Madness is treated as equal to his current Level of Madness.  He will still attempt to save.
  4. If the Target mind has departed the body permanently for the Realm of Madness (e.g. on entering Level of Madness 10), the Spell may either be Cast with variable parameter m, or the Caster may seek the Target in the Realm of Madness.  Bringing such a Target mind back to its body does not cure or resuscitate the body.  It is therefore recommended that either the Spell is Cast very soon after physical death, or combined with Create Undead.
  5. The new Domain of Madness entered will normally be that of the Alignment just left, subject to the effect of rolling "doubles" on the Hallucination check..
  6. See the Madness System for further explanation of the effects of Levels of Madness and Hallucination checks.