Clerical Spell Specification

[7] Detect Possession

BTS: 62% (Wp)

ULT: 5 hours

Materials: a Sanctified Symbol of God

Actions: present Symbol to Target(s)

Effect of Throw: St Mod: BTS + 2 * sqr. rt. T (FRD); i.e.

Range: 30d ft    -5d(d-1)/2 %


  1. Cast on a single Target Being.  Saving Level and Wp of Target are those of the Target and not of the Possessor.
  2. If st is failed, Caster knows whether or not Target is Possessed.  Possession by multiple Beings is not usually possible, but if it does occur, Target makes a st for each to be Detected, and if successful Caster will know number of Possessors so Detected.