Clerical Spell Specification
[7] Detect Possession
BTS: 62% (Wp)
ULT: 5 hours
Materials: a Sanctified Symbol of God
Actions: present Symbol to Target(s)
Effect of Throw: St Mod: BTS + 2 * sqr. rt.
T (FRD); i.e.
- T1%: BTS + 2 = 64%
- T4%: BTS + 4 = 66%
- T9%: BTS +6 = 68%
- T16%: BTS +8 = 70%
- T25%: BTS +10 = 72%
- T36%: BTS +12 = 74%
- T49%: BTS +14 = 76%
- T64%: BTS +16 = 78%
- T81%: BTS +18 = 80%
- T100%: BTS +20 = 82%
- etc. up to
- T484%: BTS +44 = 106%
Range: 30d ft -5d(d-1)/2 %
- Cast on a single Target Being. Saving Level and Wp of Target are
those of the Target and not of the Possessor.
- If st is failed, Caster knows whether or not Target is
Possessed. Possession by multiple Beings is not usually possible,
but if it does occur, Target makes a st for each to be Detected, and if
successful Caster will know number of Possessors so Detected.