BTS = 58% (Co)
ULT = 8 hrs (5 hrs on "Hold" + 3 hrs on "Person")
Materials: none
Actions: Hold Person: finish arm movements by holding both hands forward, as if holding target / Entrance Person: sing or play music
Number Affected: T/25 (FRU) select randomly if more within Radius
St mod.: BTS +n% -n2%
Range: 10d feet -5d(d-1)/2%
Radius: 5r feet -5r(r-1)/2%
Duration: 3t min -5t(t-1)/2%
Effect: All persons held are frozen in place in their present postures (They may fall down / over if unbalanced.), but retain full mental awareness. The effect remains if the Caster goes beyond the Range. For Entrance Person (PAREL) the effect ends if the Caster(s) stop(s) singing or playing music, or go(es) out of earshot of Target, or Duration ends (whichever first occurs).
BTS = 56% (Co)
ULT = 6 hrs (5 hrs on "Hold" + 1 hr on "Animal")
Materials for Charm Rats / Snake Charm: a pipe
Actions for Charm Rats / Snake Charm: play pipe
Number Affected: T/20 (FRU) / Charm Rats: T/2 (FRU)
As above, but affects Animals. Charm Cats (TIPRE) affects only cats. Charm Rats affects only rats (not Giant Rats or Wererats, which are Monsters). Charm Scarabs (SOROK) affects only flesh-eating scarab beetles. Snake-Charm affects only snakes (not Giant Snakes, which are Monsters).
For Charm Rats / Snake-Charm the effect ends if the Caster stops playing the pipe, or goes out of earshot of Target, or Duration ends (whichever first occurs).
For Entrance Animal (PAREL) the effect ends if the Caster(s) stop(s) singing or playing music, or go(es) out of earshot of Target, or Duration ends (whichever first occurs).
BTS = 68% (Co)
ULT = 11 hrs (5 hrs on "Hold" + 6 hrs on "Monster")
Number Affected: T/50 (FRU)
As above, but affects Monsters.
BTS = 78% (Co)
ULT = 16 hrs (5 hrs on "Hold" + 10 hrs on "Monster")
Number Affected: T/100 (FRU)
As above, but affects Spirits, Demons, Demigods and/or Gods, except for Those of the Congregation (i.e. Host) of PAREL. Note that most Higher Powers are Magic Resistant to a certain %age, and They are only Entranced if They fail to roll <= to that %age on d100 and fail Their ST. The effect ends if the Caster(s) stop(s) singing or playing music, or go(es) out of earshot of Target, or Duration ends (whichever first occurs).