Clerical Spell Specification

[17] Holy Word / Light of Law / Song of Holiness / Unholy Word / Word of Abomination / Word of Harmony  / Word of Hate / Word of Law  / Word of Light / Word of Love / Word of Peace / Word of Wrath / World of Chaos

BTS: 50% (Ft + Hr) + ST modifier as below

ULT: 10 hours

Word Spell

Materials: none

Actions: none / Song of Holiness: sing

Effect of Throw:

Effect Level = T/20 vs each Target of an Alignment one different on an Alignment axis from God granting Spell

Double Effect Level = T/10 vs each Target of an Alignment two different on an Alignment axis from God granting Spell

e.g. on the Alignment charts below (rotate as appropriate):
























ST modifier: BTS + 2 ( (n * (Effect Level)) - (Target's Saving Level) ) %

If makes st vs Death, Target must save vs Stun at n = 1

If makes st vs Stun, Target must save vs Deafness at n = 1

If makes st vs Stun, Target must save vs Deafness at n = 2

"Effect Level" in the above includes Double Effect Level where applicable.

Radius: 20r feet -4r(r-1)/2%    as sphere round Caster


  1. Spell Targets every living Being within Radius, irrespective of whether they are capable of hearing it.
  2. Duration of Stun = 1 MR per %age point by which st failed
  3. Effect of Deafness = Hr reduced to 0, recovered evenly over Duration of Deafness
  4. Duration of Deafness = 1 MR per %age point by which st failed
  5. For Word of Peace (FIDAR) / Word of Harmony (WACON) / Song of Holiness (PAREL) / Word of Love (SHELDA), substitute permanent Peacing for Death effect.  The Peaced lay down any weapons and are unwilling and unable to make any Fighter attack or kill anyone.
  6. For World of Chaos (DALA), substitute turn Target into something random (Caster cannot specify) for Death.
  7. For Light of Law (CAERULAS) and Word of Light (RAYLIT / MIRIMI), substitute Blindness for Deafness.  The Spell produces a bright flash of light.
  8. For Word of Abomination (TERRIK), if Death results the body putrefies immediately, if Stun results the Target also empties his/her bowels and bladder, and instead of Deafness the Target throws up the contents of his/her stomach.  (This really is an abominable Word!)
  9. Song of Holiness (PAREL) requires a song to be sung by Caster(s) throughout Prayer and Incantation (but not for duration of any Effects, though some PAREL Clerics will continue singing regardless).