Clerical Spell Specification

[6] Lie / White Lie

BTS: 30% (DxM) for Target Being on whom Cast, not those lying to him/her 

ULT: 15 hours

Materials: a Sanctified Symbol of God

Actions: hold Materials to tongue

Effect of Throw: reduce % chance any lie will be detected by (30+T)%

Range: d ft -5(4+d(d+1)/2)% If cast on self, there is no Range minus. If cast on others, Range is at least 0 ft, so there will be a Range minus of at least -20%.

Duration: 10t min -5t(t-1)%


  1. The Spell may be cast on one Target only.
  2. Spell reduces effectiveness of Detect Lies effects, e.g. Clerical Detect Lies Spells.
  3. It also reduces the probability of someone spotting a statement is a lie when it is spoken to them.  For this purpose really blatant lies may have a greater than 100% chance of detection (at DM's discretion).  It does not affect the probability of them realising it is a lie if they take the time to consider it afterwards.
  4. Spell only works on lies that are spoken.
  5. For a statement to be a lie, its speaker must believe it to be untrue on at least a balance of probabilities.  If the speaker does not distinguish between truth and fiction, the Spell may be ineffective on him/her (but not if he/she simply professes such a belief).  If the speaker believes a statement to be untrue, but it is in fact true, it will still be a lie.
  6. White Lie (ORIL / OPSOR / TIPRE) must have a Good motive for telling the Lies, or the God will refuse the Lie effect on them (determined in relation to each individual Lie spoken).