Clerical Spell Specification
[9] Quest
BTS: 65% (Ft ) modified by T
ULT: 6 hours
Materials: a Sanctified Symbol of God
Actions: present Symbol to Target(s)
Effect of Throw: St Mod: BTS + sqr. rt. T (FRD);
- T1%: BTS + 1 = 66%
- T4%: BTS + 2 = 67%
- T9%: BTS +3 = 68%
- T16%: BTS +4 = 69%
- T25%: BTS +5 = 70%
- T36%: BTS +6 = 71%
- T49%: BTS +7 = 72%
- T64%: BTS +8 = 73%
- T81%: BTS +9 = 74%
- T100%: BTS +10 = 75%
- etc. up to
- T484%: BTS +22= 87%
Add the amount first st (only) is failed by to BTS for the purpose of
future sts duruing Duration.
Range: 10d ft -5d(d-1)/2 %
Duration: 24t hrs -5t(t-1)/2% (may be Extended)
- Targets a single Person or Higher Power with a Living Mind.
- Specify the Quest in Alignment Tongue of Caster's God after Casting.
Specifying the Quest is not part of Casting the Spell (so Caster may
dodge in Combat,)
- Compels Target to go on the Holy Quest specified by Caster for the glory
of Caster's God. The Quest must be appropriate to the God's Creed.
It may be impossible if that is appropriate to the Creed. If the
God considers the specified Quest inappropriate, Caster must make a
modified st against it instead of Target, and if failed Caster suffers
the Effect of the Spell.
- Target must proceed with the Quest immediately, but may do so in
character consistent with the God's Creed. For example where
appropriate they may fight Caster and their party to clear the way to
proceed with the Quest.
- Any attempt to deviate from the Quest requires a further st (with
BTS modfied by ST Mod and amount failed first st by (as above). If
the st is failed, Target is mentally compelled to proceed with the Quest
even more quickly and will suffer pain (if Caster's God is Neutral) or
excruciating pain (if Caster's God is Evil) which will cause d6 General
Damage (if Caster's God is HAERIM).
- Target may make a further st every 24 hours as per 5. above, wiith
the above consequences of failure.
- If Target successfully completes the Quest, the Spell Effect
terminates, and the God may award them Clerical Credit.