Clerical Spell Specification

[8] Speak with Trees & Plants / [9] Sing to the Trees

BTS: [48 + 2SL]% (Char)

ULT: 5 hours

Materials: [ ]

Actions: Speak with Trees & Plants: [ ] / Sing to the Trees: sing

Effect of Throw

Range: 10d ft    -5d(d-1)/2 %

Radius: 5r feet -5r(r-1)/2%

Duration: 5t min -5t(t-1)/2%


  1. Allows Caster (only) to converse with target vegetable and others of that species.
  2. The target’s conversation may be limited by its perceptions and concerns.
  3. Sing to the Trees (PAREL) is identical to Speak with Trees & Plants but requires a song to be sung by Caster(s) throughout Prayer and Incantation (but not for Duration, though some PAREL Clerics will continue singing regardless).