2. Banana Skins

Simian Cycle / Shamanic Sered Cycle

BTS: no st

ULT: 16 hours

Materials: a banana (Create Fruit may be used to produce it)

Actions: eat some of Materials and throw away the skin in the direction of the intended Radius

Effect of Throw:

1 to 12    No Effect

13 to 32    DL on Balance = (T-11)/2 FRD

³ 33    DL on Balance = (T+11)/4 FRD

Duration:    30t sec    - t(t-1)/2

Range:    30d ft    -d(d-1)/2

Radius:    10r ft    -r(r-1)/2


  1. Cast on a hard, flat surface.  To the extent the surface is not hard and/or flat, the banana skins will slip off (reduce DL by an appropriate percentage).
  2. Covers the surface with banana skins for Duration.  The banana skins disappear at the end of Duration, except for the Materials.
  3. The banana skins give a DL on Balance.  Any corporeal Being attempting to stand upright or move on the surface within Radius must make a Balance check every sec. and will slip and fall over if it fails.  Slipping and falling over will disrupt the Actions of Spell Casting.
  4. The DL is cumulaive with other applicable DLs on Balance (e.g. if Banana Skins is cast on ice).