3. Create Water
Ranian Cycle
BTS: n/a
ULT: 21 hours
Materials: open receptacle(s) for the Water (cupped
hands will suffice, or an open mouth(s))
Actions: hold Materials out or position them to receive the
Water. If the Water is being created at a Range and in the Materials,
make a filling gesture at Materials (raise hands together, palms upwards).
If the Water is being created at a Range and not in the Materials (Caster is
holding them), make a throwing gesture with Materials towards the Casting
Effect of Throw:
1 to 11 No Effect
12 Create (T-11) pints of Water (may
specify a maximum)
Range: 5d ft -d(d-1)/2
- Creates pure fresh (or salt if specified) Water of volume dependent on
- Water appears instantaneously in Materials centred on point specified
by Caster. A line of sight is
required to the Casting point.
- Multiple receptacles
should be touching each other. If sealed receptacles are at point specified, Water will appear
around them. To the extent insufficient open receptacles are
available, it will overflow them. Caster may limit Water to fill
receptacles by specifying a maximum volume.
- The Water will be at cool drinking temperature, but will freeze
naturally if ambient temperature is below freezing.
- If cast on or inside Beings, it will soak them (no ST), but will not fill them
with Water or drown them. If cast above them, it will fall on them
to soak them (no ST).