Anti-Druidic Spell Specification

3. Electrocute

Nainar Cycle

BTS: 58% (Co)

ULT: 36 hours

Materials: insulating gloves.  If Caster does not wear Materials, he also takes the Lightning Damage (but does not count as an additional Target).  He may make his sts and Prot. vs Lightning effects apply.

Actions: point gloves at Target(s).  Cackling maniacally is optional.

Effect of Throw:

1 to 13 No Effect

³ 14 (T-13)/3 FRU d6 Lightning Damage

No. of Targets: n –n2 (reroll Damage against each Target)

Range: 30d ft -d(d-1)/2

Radius: 5r ft -r(r-1)/2    Min radius = 5ft.


  1. Electrocute is a Lightning Spell.  Lightning-Vulnerable Beings take double damage from it (multiply the result of the d6 by *2 before rolling the first st).
  2. Can be cast outdoors or indoors and irrespective of whether there is any cloud in the sky.
  3. Causes a single bolt of fork lightning to emerge from Caster's hands and hit Target for Lightning (not Fire) Damage.  Can fork against multiple Targets within Radius.  A clear line of sight, unblocked by obstacles that would short out eLightning is required between Caster and Target(s).
  4. Will select Target(s) semi-randomly within radius, favouring tallest / those wearing or carrying metal.
  5. A ST against the Lightning Damage halves the damage taken (FRU: e.g. 5 is halved to 2), and a further ST may then be made to halve it again. Once a ST is failed, the Target takes the remaining Lightning Damage. The min ADS of any non-metallic armour that covers the majority of the body subtracts from the damage taken. All damage taken is general damage.
  6. Is very likely to ignite fires if hits dry vegetable matter.