n. Extendable Counterspell
Druid Cycle
ULT: (7n)+1 hours
Materials: none
Actions: stretch arm out with palm blocking
incoming Spell
Effect of Throw:
1 to (n+10) No Effect
³ (n+11) Subtraction Effect =
Protection Period: 1p sec -p(p-1)/2
- Counters
all Spells targeting Caster ("Offensive Spells") during Protection
Period, which consists of the casting time of the Counterspell,
the rest of the sec of casting if cast in less than a sec, the
immediately following sec, and any extended Protection Period specified
as a Variable Parameter.
- If an Offensive Spell is Countered, the Subtraction Effect is deducted
from its T as against the Caster (only). If the Caster is one of
multiple targets, Offensive Spells are not countered against the other
targets. Against Clerical Spells, 5 * Subtraction Effect is
- The T of the Counterspell against a Spell of a different SL is
multiplied by (CSL/OSL)2, where CSL = Counterspell Level and
OSL = Offensive Spell Level. The SL of Counterspells against
Spells of other Disciplines is halved (FRD).