4. Frozen Fear

Saurian Cycle

Saurian Totem

BTS: 65% (Wp)

ULT: 35SL hours

Materials: a Saurian Totem

Actions: hold Materials up to Targets

Effect of Throw:

1 to 10    No Effect

>= 11    Max. SL Paralised = (T/2) - 4 FRD

Range:    25d ft    -d(d-1)/2

Radius:    5r ft    -r(r-1)/2

Duration: Paralised for:

st every 1 min 3 min 10 min 30 min 1 hr + 1 hr
(Max SL Paralised) - (SL of Target) 0 1 2 3 4 per 1 thereafter


  1. Paralises multiple Target Living Beings with Fear of the Saurians.  Has no effect on Saurian Monsters.
  2. Each eligible Target within Radius who has SL <= (Max. SL Paralised) and is able to see the Materials (even if not looking at them) gets a st vs Paralysis.  If he fails to save, he freezes in place (with eyes open wide with Fear) and loses control of his body, but retains control of his senses.
  3. A Target who fails his st vs Paralysis is also subject to a Fear effect, and must make a further st to overcome his Fear each time he wants to use his mind during Duration, e.g. to cast thought or reflex Spells.  He may Dream or wander the Realm of Madness, but will tend towards Nightmare and Despair unless he makes sts vs Fear.
  4. A Paralised Target breathes and needs air to survive.  He will detect as being alive (having a breath and pulse) and can be affected normally by Spells or Effects that only affect living Beings.  Paralysis is not a Hide Life Effect.
  5. The Caster does not gain control of the Target's body.  But a Paralised Target is vulnerable to being killed by the Caster or his party.  His D and RD are 0 (subject to Spells and Effects that modify D and RD and do not require him to be dodging) and he takes Damage normally (and will Bleed and can die from it, and feels pain).
  6. A further st vs Paralysis must be made by the Paralised Target to awake from Paralysis, as shown in the table for Duration.  If successful, he is free of the Fear effect as well (but not of any additional Levels of Madness he has wandered into).
  7. A Paralysis Antidote will also awake a Paralised Target, but he will still need to make the st on expiry of each Duration bracket to be free of the Fear effect.
  8. Dispel Fear Spells and Effects will remove the Fear effct, but not the Paralysis effect.