6./7. Hide in Tree  Sered Cycle of the Tree People (Tree People only) / Avian Cycle (Bird Cults only), Simian Cycle (Monkey Cults only) & Ursine Cycle (Bear Cults only)

6. Hide in Dunes  Ranian Cycle of the Sands / Scorpion Cycle (Sandwalkers and Scorpion Cults only)

6./7. Hide in Ice  Ranian Cycle of the Icelands (Readers of the Pattern only) / Ursine Cycle (Bear Cults only)

6./7. Hide in Mists    Trance Cycle / Nightwing Cycle

6. Hide in Webs  J'Ungol Cycle (Spider Cults only)

7. Cheshire Cat  Feline Cycle

7. Hide in Plant  Druid Cycle

7. Hide in Coral / Weed  Piscine Cycle (Dolphin Riders only)

7. Hide in Herd  Yribt Cycle of the Beastmasters (Beastmaster Cults only)

7. Hide in the Pack  Lupine Cycle (Wolf Cults only)

7. Hide in Sewers  Rodent Cycle (Rat Cults only)

BTS: 30/35% (Sz)

ULT: 54/62 hours

Materials: a piece of cloth sufficient to drape over one's head / for Cheshire Cat a piece of cheese

Actions: drape Materials over one's head / for Cheshire Cat pop Materials in mouth and smile enigmatically

Effect of Throw:

L6 Spells

L7 Spells

1 to 15 No Effect

1 to 16 No Effect

³ 16 %age Chance of Success = 5(T+4-Sz)%

³ 17 %age Chance of Success = 5(T+3-Sz)%

where Sz = Size of largest Being Hiding

Duration: 10t min - t(t-1)/2

Range to Target Hiding Place: d ft -d (n/a to Cheshire Cat)

Passengers: N living passengers -2N (in addition to Caster - must hold hands).  Caster and Passengers are together referred to as "Beings Hiding".  For Cheshire Cat the Passengers must also smile.

Weight: 600w weight points -w(w-1)/2 (excluding body weight of Beings Hiding)


  1. Allows the Caster and Passengers to step into a Target Hiding Place (even one smaller than themselves) via the mystical links of the Forest, and to perceive from within it using the perceptions of the Forest.
  2. Target Hiding Place depends on the Spell.  The default Spell for standard Druids is Hide in Plant, for which it is any Plant.  Others are as specified in their Spell Name.  For Hide in Dunes it is any sand, whether or not in dunes, but there must be at least one grain per Being Hiding.  For Hide in Ice it is any frozen water (not other liquids), but there must be at least one crystal per Being Hiding.  For Hide in Sewers it is the wall of any sewer or underground watercourse or rat-hole (including the wall of any building that has a hollow rat-run behind it).  Hide in Mists requires some mist or fog.
  3. The Ursine Cycle Spell depends upon the environment.  If Cast in an environment with trees, it is Hide in Tree, but if Cast in the Icelands or otherwise beyond the treeline, it is Hide in Ice.
  4. Cheshire Cat may be Cast anywhere and does not require a Target Hiding Place, but takes a full second to take effect after Casting, with the Beings Hiding gradually fading out, leaving only their smiles, which remain for a further second.  They may be targetted normally by Spells in the second of fading.  In the second the smiles remain they may be targetted only as per Note 5. below.
  5. Hide In... takes advantage of the interface between the Real World and the Dream Kingdoms, holding the Hiding Beings at the crossover point, so that they count as being in both and neither.  They can perceive what is going on in the Real World, and Dreamers may also be able to perceive into the appropriate Dream Kingdom.  They may Cast Spells into either Plane where they can legally target the subject, but it counts as Casting across the Planes and is therefore at 2/3 Throw, and will be audible as stated below.
  6. Detect / Location Spells and Effects may Target Hiding Beings, but count as 2/3 Throw (or 2/3 chance of success for Effects).  They may likewise be Truesighted.
  7. Perception is from any point on a Target Plant (including its roots) / from the appropriate sensory organs of any member of a Target Herd or Pack / from any point on a Target Web / from the entry point of Target Dunes, Ice or Sewers.
  8. If Beings Hiding make a noise (including the Incantation of a Spell Cast), it will be audible on both connected Planes.  The same applies to smells (so they may be Scented or Far Tasted).  Those able to perceive into the appropriate Dream Kingdom may also be able to see them (e.g. an Ent may see Beings Hiding in Plants, a Rat may see Beings Hiding in Sewers, a Spider may see Beings Hiding in Webs, etc.)
  9. When Duration expires, Beings Hiding are ejected back onto the Plane from whence they came, except for any who have fallen victim to the Trance of the Trees / Desert Madness / as appropriate.  For Cheshire Cat they fade back in, with their mouths becoming visible in the second after expiry of Duration and their fading gradually back into the real in the followig second.  They may move normally during this process.