3. Hunt Like A Cat
![cat eyes](../../../../Photos/cateyes.gif)
Feline Cycle
BTS: 29% (Wp)
ULT: 24 hours
Materials: none
Actions: All Targets must roar like Big Cats
(doing so whilst Silenced doesn't count).
Effect of Throw:
1 to 12 No Effect
13 to 15 AL = 1
³ 16 AL = T/8 FRD
Duration: t hrs - t(t-1)/2
Range: 3d ft -(4+d(d+1)/2) If Cast on self, there
is no Range minus. If Cast on another Being, Range is at least 0 ft, so
there will be a Range minus of at least -4.
- Cast on a single Target Being, who must be a Cat Cultist, Cat or Weretiger.
- For Duration Target has the Thievish Abilities of a Big Cat of AL
given by Throw; i.e. Nightsight with NVR +4 to 0 and the following
bonuses to M on Th Activities: HS 20AL %, MS 20AL%, AfB, AfS, AbS
15AL%, DetH 15AL%, DetMM 15AL%, Hear 25AL%, Scent 10AL%, Track 20AL%,
Mask Smell 15AL%, Jump, Balance, Climb 35AL%. Target does not
however count as a Cat (unless he already is one).
- Target must make or participate in a kill and drink
the blood of the kill before expiry of Duration (including any
Extensions) or will lose all Nightsight and take minuses to the Thievish
Activities listed above of the same amounts (but negative) as the
bonuses for an indefinite period after Duration expires until he does
make or participate in such a kill and drinks its blood. The Spell
may be recast on him to set off against the minuses, but he must then
make two kills; one for each Spell. It is not necessary to make
the kill with one's bare hands or teeth, though Target may feel a strong
urge to do so.
- After Duration has expired and the kill has been made, Target will
feel an irresistible need to sleep for a period equal to Duration.
This is normal sleep, and Target will recover SP, Dream and wake if
disturbed, all as normal.
- Multiple Casts of the Spell on the same Target are not cumulative in
effect (except to set off against a negative effect as per 3.
above). Only the highest AL given by T applies. However,
one kill must be made for each Spell in order to avoid the effect of
3. above.