6. Mists of Confusion

Ranian Mist Cycle (Mist Warrior Spell)

BTS: 70% (Wp)

ULT: 85 hours

Materials: something not previously used by the Caster as Materials for this Spell

Actions: blow over or through Materials, and the Mists come forth

Effect of Throw:

1 to15 No Effect

16 to 18 st mod: BTS + 5(T-19)

³ 20 st mod: BTS + ( 5  * sqr. rt. (T-19)), FRD; i.e.

If the st is failed by 50%, the Target enters Level of Madness 1, within the Domain of Confusion.  If the st is failed by >50%, the Target enters Level of Madness 2, within the Domain of Confusion. The Spell does not increase or decrease the Level of Madness of a Target who is already Mad, except where he is at Level of Madness 1, and fails the st by >50%.

If the st is failed, no Hallucination check is made.  Instead, the Target automatically Hallucinates, as the Effect of the Confusion Spell.  If the Target is already Mad, failing the st causes him to Hallucinate at his current Level and Domain of Madness.

Range: 30d ft    -d(d-1)/2

Radius: 10r ft    - r(r-1)/2    Hallucinations may appear to be outside the Radius.

Duration: s sec -(s-1)2

Duration of Hallucination: d6 * t MR -t2  Roll a separate d6 for each Confused Target.  Extension Spells do not apply.  At the end of his Duration of Hallucination, each Confused Target makes a Hallucination check at his current Level of Madness.  Note that the Effect of the Spell will therefore last beyond Duration of Hallucination, though the chance of further Confusion (Hallucinations) decreases.


  1. Creates a light Mist within Radius for Duration.
  2. Targets all living minds within Radius, other than creatures of Nature.  Has no effect upon the Undead.  Will target Druids, but not Beings Shapechanged into Animal or Plant form.
  3. A Being n% within the Radius has an n% chance of being targeted.
  4. A Being that is within the Radius must make a st for every sec in which it is so.
  5. The exact Hallucination effect suffered by each Confused Target is at the DM's discretion, having regard to the current tactical situation and how badly the st was failed.  It will be more severe at Level of Madness 2 than Level of Madness 1.  Believing one's comrades are enemies is a typical effect.
  6. See the Madness System for further explanation of the effects of Levels of Madness and Hallucination checks.
  7. No concentration is required to maintain the Mist if an extended Duration is specified.  It cannot be dismissed before the end of the Duration.