6. Mists of Oblivion

Ranian Mist Cycle (Mist Warrior Spell)

BTS: 70% (Wp)

ULT: 50 hours

Materials: something that has previously been forgotten by someone (not necessarily Caster)

Actions: blow over or through Materials, and the Mists come forth

Effect of Throw:

1 to15 No Effect

16 to 18 st mod: BTS + 5(T-19)

³ 20 st mod: BTS + ( 5  * sqr. rt. (T-19)), FRD; i.e.

Range: 30d ft    -d(d-1)/2

Radius: 10r ft    - r(r-1)/2

Duration: s sec -(s-1)2

Forgetfulness Multiplier:    F    -F(F-1)/2


  1. Creates a light Mist within Radius for Duration.
  2. Targets all living minds within Radius, other than creatures of Nature.  Has no effect upon the Undead.  Will target Druids, but not Beings Shapechanged into Animal or Plant form.
  3. A Being n% within the Radius has an n% chance of being targeted.
  4. A Being that is within the Radius must make a st for every sec in which it is so.
  5. If a Target fails his st, the previous F * (no. by which failed st) mins are permanently erased from his memory.
  6. If a Target fails sts in subsequent secs, the mins erased are counted back from each sec when the st is failed, not from the point to which memory was last erased.
  7. No concentration is required to maintain the Mist if an extended Duration is specified.  It cannot be dismissed before the end of the Duration.