6. Mists of Oblivion
Ranian Mist Cycle (Mist Warrior Spell)
BTS: 70% (Wp)
ULT: 50 hours
Materials: something that has previously been
forgotten by someone (not necessarily Caster)
Actions: blow over or through Materials, and the
Mists come forth
Effect of Throw:
1 to15 No Effect
16 to 18 st mod: BTS + 5(T-19)
³ 20 st mod: BTS + ( 5 * sqr. rt.
(T-19)), FRD; i.e.
- T16: BTS -15 = 55%
- T17: BTS -10 = 60%
- T18: BTS -5 = 65%
- T19: BTS + 0 = 70%
- T20: BTS + 5 = 75%
- T23: BTS +10 = 80%
- T28: BTS +15 = 85%
- T35: BTS +20 = 90%
- T44: BTS +25 = 95%
- T55: BTS +30 = 100%
- etc.
Range: 30d ft -d(d-1)/2
Radius: 10r ft - r(r-1)/2
Duration: s sec -(s-1)2
Forgetfulness Multiplier: F
- Creates a light Mist within Radius for Duration.
- Targets all living minds within Radius, other than creatures of
Nature. Has no effect upon the Undead. Will target Druids,
but not Beings Shapechanged into Animal or Plant form.
- A Being n% within the Radius has an n% chance of being targeted.
- A Being that is within the Radius must make a st for every
sec in which it is so.
- If a Target fails his st, the previous F * (no. by which failed st)
mins are permanently erased from his memory.
- If a Target fails sts in subsequent secs, the mins erased are counted
back from each sec when the st is failed, not from the point to which
memory was last erased.
- No concentration is required to maintain the Mist if an extended
Duration is specified. It cannot be
dismissed before the end of the Duration.