4. Phase Web

J'Ungol Cycle

BTS: 31% (At)

ULT: 40 hours

Materials: a Web (the "Entry Web") at least as high and wide for the Caster, Passengers and possessions to pass through

Actions: Passengers hold hands with Caster / each other and/or be connected by spider silk, and Caster steps into Entry Web in final second of Spell Casting, followed by Passengers.  They may bend down or crawl to comply with height and width restriction on Materials.

Effect of Throw:

1 to 14 No Effect

15 to 19 Max Distance ("D") = 5(T-14) ft

³20 D = 2(T-9) ft

Passengers: N living passengers -2N (in addition to Caster - must hold hands or be connected by spider silk)

Weight: 600w weight points -w(w-1)/2 (excluding body weight of Caster and Passengers)


  1. Allows the Caster and Passengers to step into the Entry Web and out of another Web the ("Exit Web"), which may be up to D ft away.  The Entry Web and Exit Web may be on the Real, Ethereal or GOssamer Realm / J'Ungol with no penalty for Casting Spells between the Planes.  D between the Real and Ethereal is calculated to the equivalent position on the same Plane.  DIstances to and within the Gossamer Realm are more mutable.
  2. The Caster must either be able to perceive the Exit Web sufficiently to target it or must know its position from having previously Cast it or visited it.  Success depends on his being able to specify it sufficiently accrately to the Spirit in Casting.
  3. The Caster must always Phase Web himself.  If he saves, the Phase Web fails for all Passengers.

See also the FAQ for Planist Spells