4. Produce Fire

Ranian Cycle

BTS: 62% (Co)

ULT: 8 hours

Materials: anything combustible within Radius, even if wet so would not normally burn

Actions: blow on Materials

Effect of Throw:

1 to 13 No Effect

³ 14    (T-13)/6 FRU d6 Fire Damage

Range: 60d ft    -d(d-1)/2

Radius: 10r ft    -r(r-1)/2    (only combustible Materials within Radius are ignited)


  1. Ignites all combustible Materials within Radius with the d6s of Fire Damage given by T in the sec after Casting.  Materials will then burn normally (though they may well be consumed by the initial sec of Fire) and the fire will spread naturally.
  2. Will ignite plants and trees, but not the bodies of living Animals or higher.  Corporeal Undead can be particularly vulnerable to it.
  3. The d6s Fire Damage are rolled every second that a Being is caught in the fire and so takes damage. If multiple Beings take damage in the same second, roll the same damage for all of them.
  4. The fire causes General Damage. Each save made halves the damage taken (FRD on reduction). Deduct min ADS (plus any Fire Resistance * d6s Fire Damage) from damage taken. Where ADS varies take average of min ADS (FRD).
  5. Produce Fire is a Fire Spell.  Fire-Vulnerable Beings take double damage from it (multiply the result of the d6s by *2 before rolling the first st).  It has no effect underwater.