BTS: 31% (Co)
ULT: 32 hours
Materials: a rod
Actions: gesture towards Target with Materials
Effect of Throw:
L3 Spell | L4 Spell |
1 to 12 No Effect | 1 to 13 No Effect |
>= 13 Lightning Resistance -(T-12)/5 FRU per die of Lightning Damage | >= 14 Lightning Resistance -(T-13)/5 FRU per die of Lightning Damage |
Duration: 5 t min - t(t-1)/2
Range: 3d ft -(4+d(d+1)/2) If Cast on self, there is no Range minus. If Cast on another Being or an object, Range is at least 0 ft, so there will be a Range minus of at least -4. The Elephantine Cycle Spell has no Range minus for Casting on an Elephant (or Elephantine Monster) which Caster touches with Materials.
Radius: 5r ft -r(r+1) If Cast on a single Target, there is no Radius minus. If Cast with a Radius, Protects all within Radius (friend or foe). The Elephantine Cycle Spell Protects a Target Elephant and all its riders (including any on howdahs or towers without any Radius minus.