7. Regeneration

Druid Cycle (Non-Standard)

BTS: 37% (Co)

ULT: 56 hours

Materials: a piece of an earthworm (alive or dead)

Actions: apply Materials to Target's body (throw them towards him if at range)

Effect of Throw:

1 to 16    No Effect

T Rate of Regeneration
17 to 22 1 HP / 6 sec
23 to 28 1 HP / 5 sec
29 to 34 1 HP / 4 sec
35 to 40 1 HP / 3 sec
41 to 46 1 HP / 2 sec
47 to 52 1 HP / sec
>= 53 (T-47)/6 HP / sec FRD

Duration:    t min    -t(t-1)/2

Range:    5d ft -d(d+1)/2    If Cast on oneself, there is -0 for Range.  If Cast on another, there is at least -1 for Range.


  1. Cast upon a single living Target Being, who may be Caster or another.
  2. Target gets a st, but may choose not to save.
  3. Regeneration causes any Damage taken (except Fire or Acid Damage) to heal automatically at the Rate of Regeneration, starting the sec after Damage is taken.
  4. Cures Damage and the effects of Damage.  Spread the healing effect amongst wounds, with priority to most serious wounds.
  5. The effects of Damage (other than Death) are still taken until sufficient Damage has Regenerated to pass the point where the effect was suffered.
  6. WIll prevent what would otherwise be a Death effect due to non-Fire or Acid Damage suffered, provided Duration has not expired.  Only Fire, Acid, Disintegration or Death Spells will prevent Regeneration.  The body Regenerates from the largest surviving piece.