Shapechange to [Specific Animal] (Power)


  1. An innate Power given for life to those Druids of a Beastmaster Cult who reach the DrL specified in the Spell List for that Cult (typically DrL 5).  The Power is Delegated by a Nature Spirit of ³ that Level.
  2. Allows the Druid (the "Shapechanger") to Shapechange his body once per Caeriad into a [Specific Animal] (the "Shapechangee") of AL = (his DrL or Max. AL for [Specific Animal], as per its Animal Specification, whichever is less) for an indefinite period.
  3. No SPs are needed, but if the Druid has <25 IPs, % chance of success = 4xIPs%. The IPs are not used up.
  4. The Shapechange is Shapechanger-specified.  The sub-species, colour and/or other details of Shapechangee may be freely specified by the Shapechanger on Shapechanging, so long as it is a possible living specimen of [Specific Animal].  It does not need to be a duplicate of an actual [Specific Animal] known to or memorised by the Shapechanger.  The Spirit will accurately produce a proper form for a [Specific Animal] that is correctly named on Shapechanging.
  5. The Shapechanger will actually become a [Specific Animal], and will gain all its abilities as per its Animal Specification appropriate to a [Specific Animal] of that AL (e.g. Poison for Snakes and Spiders, if a poisonous species has been specified on Shapechanging).  Its Fighter (including HP, AMR, A,  D & RD) and Thievish abilities (if any) will supersede his.  He will in addition have his Magic-Using abilities (subject to the usual limitations when Shapechanged, as noted in the FAQ) and Powers (if any).  He will count as an Animal and not as a Person (or whatever he normally is) and as a [Specific Animal] for purposes such as targeting Spells.
  6. For small [Specific Animal]s that have a Giant Form, the Shapechange may be specified to be either to that Giant Form or to the normal Animal.  The Giant Form counts as a Monster rather than the Animal.  For the Shapechange to Spider Power, a Phase Spider may not be specified, but a Poisonous Giant Spider may be.
  7. The Shapechangee will be of a random Size that is natural for that Animal (or Giant form).  The Change takes 1/5 sec per pt Sz difference.
  8. Healing Effect: on completing the Shapechange to [Specific Animal], the Shapechanger loses (10xD6)% DAM.
  9. Only the body Shapechanges to [Specific Animal] form.  Clothes and possessions are dropped, and the Shapechanger will be naked on changing back.
  10. There is no Duration.  The Shapechanger may change back at will, ending the Effect.  However a prolonged stay in animal form can make the Shapechanger think like the animal and forget to turn back.
  11. Any other Shapechange to the Shapechanger whilst he is in the form of the Shapechangee ends the Effect.  On expiration of the Duration of that Shapechange, he will revert to his previous form.
  12. The Shapechange to [Specific Animal] Power is a Shapechange Effect.  See the General Notes on Shapechange Spells and Effects for further explanation of how its Effect works.