2. Speak with Animals

Yribt Cycle

BTS: 30% (Hr)    for Target Speaker

ULT: 18 hours

Materials: a particular species of animal (the Target Species) must be sensed by Caster or some part of that species must be used as Materials

Actions: touch tongue (with Materials if used) and point to animal of Target Species (if sensed)

Effect of Throw:

1 to 11    No Effect

³ 12        10(T-11)% comprehensibility

Range (to Target Speaker):    3d ft    -4+d(d+1)/2    If cast on self, there is no Range minus. If cast on another, Range is at least 0 ft, so there will be a Range minus of at least -4%.

Duration:    t hrs    -t(t-1)/2


  1. Allows a single Target Speaker to converse with all living animals of Target Species.  If Cast on multiple Target Speakers, they will all be able to join in the conversation.
  2. Only the more intelligent animal species (e.g. wolves, bears, rats, boars, ravens, crocodiles, dolphins) have their own languages.  Less intelligent species have more limited means of conversation.
  3. The Target Species’ conversation may be limited by its perceptions and concerns.  It may not necessarily be disposed to be co-operative, depending on its nature and the approach taken by the Target Speaker.
  4. There is no Radius within which communication is effective, other than normal limitations on communication.
  5. The conversation will appear to observers as if the Target Speaker is making noises and gesture of the kind the Target Species uses to communicate, but to the Target Speaker as if the Target Species is talking his own native language.