5. Wall of Fire    Ranian Cycle

5. Wall of Sacred Fire    Ranian Cycle of the Guardians

BTS: 66% (Co)

ULT: 40 hours

Materials: a flame

Actions: indicate position of Wall of Fire by sweeping gesture of hand not holding flame

Effect of Throw:

1 to 14 No Effect

³ 15 Fire Damage (d6s) = (T-14)/2 FRD 

Range: 30d ft -d(d-1)/2

Width: 10w ft -w(w-1)/2

Height: 5h ft -h(h-1)/2

Duration: t min -t(t-1)/2


  1. Wall of (Sacred) Fire is a Fire Spell.  Fire-Vulnerable Beings take double damage from it (multiply the result of the nd6 by *2 before rolling the first st).  It has no effect underwater.
  2. May freely curve and/or rotate Wall, but in one plane only.
  3. The Wall burns with a constant no. of d6s Fire Damage, which are rolled every second that a Target takes damage. If multiple Targets take damage in the same second, roll the same damage for all of them.
  4. The Spell causes General Damage. Each save made halves the damage taken (FRD on reduction). Deduct min ADS (plus any Fire Resistance * d6s Damage of Wall) from damage taken. Where ADS varies take average of min ADS (FRD).
  5. This specification of Wall of Fire does not require concentration for the Caster to maintain the Wall. The Spell may be obtained with 5 min Duration brackets, but requiring light concentration to maintain the Wall.
  6. Wall of Sacred Fire is the same as Wall of Fire, but does not affect Trees and Plants.