Class: Illusionist (Sg)
BTS: 60% (Sg)
ULT: 50 hours
Materials: items of at least 2 different colours
Actions: shake coloured items together
Effect of Throw:
-4 to 5 Insanity
6 to 7 Colour Spray self (no st) for 2d6 to d6 min
8 to 10 No Effect
11 to 19 2(T-10) Level Squared points
³ 20 T Level Squared points
Max. SL affected: L @ T of 10 + (L(L-1)/2)
Produces a cone of effect with:
Range to base of cone: 30d ft -d(d-1)/2 (as arc of sphere around Caster)
Radius of base of cone: 10r ft -r(r-1)/2 (on that sphere)
Level Squared points are distributed by allocating Saving Level ("SL") squared points to each target within cone in turn, starting with those of lowest SL and working up. Where SLs are equal, select randomly. Targets must have SL squared Level Squared points allocated to them and have SL <= Max. SL affected, or they will be unaffected. Illusionist Sight Spells only affect living, seeing Beings.
Duration: Colour Sprayed for:
st every | 10 sec | 30 sec | 1 min | 2 min | 3 min | 4 min | + 1 min |
Max SL affected - SL | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | per 1 thereafter |
A Colour Sprayed target has his vision scrambled, causing disorientation and loss of balance, losing control of his body, mind and senses. He will collapse or stagger about, and become vulnerable to being killed by the Caster or his party. He cannot avoid the effect by closing his eyes or other effects on his vision, but can be rescued for it by a Spell that removes the Colour Spray effect (e.g. Dispel Magic). He will be unable to cast even thought or reflex Spells.