Elementalist Spell Specification

Class: Illusionist (Sg) / Enchanter (Multi-Elemental)

2. Displace (Personal) / 3. Displace

BTS: 30% / 33% (Sg)

ULT: 50 / 75 hours

Materials: a living body to Target

Actions: touch Target body (or point to it if cast at Range > 0)

Effect of Throw:

T on L2 Spell Effect T on L3 Spell Effect
2 to 11 Insanity 3 to 12 Insanity
12 to 13 Dp -2d4 to -d4 13 to 15 Dp -3d4 to -d4
14 to 16 No Effect 16 to 19 No Effect
17 to 32 Dp +(((T-1)/4)-3) FRD 20 to 35 Dp +((T/4)-3) FRD
³ 33 Dp +((T+1)/6) FRD ³ 36 Dp +((T-2)/6) FRD

 Duration: t min - 2(t-1)

Range (L3 Spell only): d ft -(4+d) If cast on self, there is no Range minus. If cast on others, Range is at least 0 ft, so there will be a Range minus of at least -4.


  1. Multi-Elemental Illusionist & Enchanter Spell: may be Cast as an Illusionist (Sg) or Enchanter Spell. If Caster has both an Illusionist Elemental of Level >=2/3 and an Enchanter Elemental of Level >=2/3 Activated, they get +2/3 on Casting this Spell.
  2. Must be Cast on a single Target living body.  The L2 Personal Spell may only be Cast upon the Caster.
  3. Causes the Target's aura to bend light, making them appear to be up to Dp ft from their actual position
  4. Gives + Dp * 5% to Dodge ("D") and Ranged Dodge ("RD") and + Dp * 5% to SL against any effects targeted by sight for Duration.
  5. Bonuses are effective whether or not Target is dodging.   If Target is Spell Casting, D & RD are still 0 as usual, but the Dp bonuses apply.
  6. Bonuses apply against sight-targeted attacks (usually the case in Melee) only, and apply even when D would otherwise be 0 (e.g. against certain Thievish attacks).
  7. Multiple Displace bonuses to D & RD from Spells or Effects are not cumulative.  Only the highest applies.  Dodge bonuses to D & RD from Spells and Effects are cumulative with Displace bonuses.
  8. Effect is negated when attacks or Spells are targeted using Locate effects.