Elementalist Spell Specification
Class: Fire /
Air (Multi-Elemental)
4. Fire Storm
BTS: 72% (Co)
ULT: 100 hours
Materials: a flame
Actions: throw flame into air above / towards
target area
Effect of Throw:
5 to 14 Insanity
15 to 17 6/4/2 d6 Fire Storm of Radius appears centred on Caster for 1
sec. Caster gets no st.
18 to 21 No Effect
22 to 33 n = (T-18)/2 FRD
34 to 54 n = (T-10)/3 FRD
>= 55 n = (T+5)/4 FRD
Damage: n d6 Fire Damage
Range: 30d ft -d(d-1)/2 (may
state a Range less than that given by the parameter)
Radius: 5r ft -r(r-1)/2 (may
state a Radius less than that given by the parameter)
Height: 10h ft -h(h-1)/2 (may
state a Height less than that given by the parameter)
Duration: t sec -t(t-1)
- Firestorm Spell (Multi-Elemental Fire & Air): may be
Cast as a Fire or Air Spell. If Caster has both a Fire Elemental of Level
>=4 and Air Elemental of Level >=4 Activated, they get +4 on Casting this
- Fire Storm does Fire Damage
(even if Cast as an Air Spell). Fire-Vulnerable Beings take
double damage from it (multiply the result of the nd6 by *2 before rolling
the first st). It has no effect underwater.
- Caster must have a line of sight to centre of Radius when Casting.
- If the Storm is wholly or partially blocked by a solid object, it only
has effect in the unblocked volume. It will not appear in any volume
to which Caster has no line of sight.
- No concentration is required to maintain the Storm during Duration.
- Creates a rain of a constant no. of d6s Fire Damage, which are rolled
every second that a Being caught within the Storm takes damage. If multiple
Beings take damage
in the same second, roll the same damage for all of them.
- Each Being within the Storm must make a st against the Fire Damage
each second they are within it. A Being partially within the Storm
must save against an appropriate percentage of the Fire Damage.
Making the st halves the damage taken
(FRU: e.g. 5 is halved to 2), and a further st may then
be made to halve it again. Once a st is failed, the
Being takes the remaining Fire Damage. The min ADS of
any armour that covers the majority of the body subtracts
from the damage taken. All damage taken is General