Elementalist Spell Specification
Class: Fire /
Air (Multi-Elemental)
3. Fireball
BTS: 66% (Co)
ULT: 105 hours
Materials: (i) a flame, (ii) a sphere
Actions: blow sphere through flame
Effect of Throw:
0 to 9 Insanity
10 to 12 Caster takes 3 to 1 d6 Fire Damage (no st)
13 to 16 No Effect
17 to 29 n = (T-15)/2 FRD
30 to 51 n = (T-7)/3 FRD
³ 52 n = (T+7)/4 FRD
Damage: n d6 Fire Damage (roll once for
damage caused throughout Radius of Explosion)
Radius of Fireball: sq rt n ft
Radius of Explosion: 5n ft
Duration: 10t sec - t(t-1)/2
Max Speed: (10+v) ft/sec -v
ADS of Skin: 1 per 10 sec (or part thereof)
Duration remaining
- Firestorm Spell (Multi-Elemental Fire & Air): may be
Cast as a Fire or Air Spell. If Caster has both a Fire Elemental of Level
>=3 and Air Elemental of Level >=3 Activated, they get +3 on Casting this
- Fireball does Fire Damage (even
if Cast as an Air Spell). Fire-Vulnerable Beings take
double damage from it (multiply the result of the nd6 by *2 before rolling
the first st). It has no effect underwater.
- The Fireball appears against Caster's hands, and he
controls its Speed with light concentration. If he stops
concentrating, it stops immediately.
- The Fireball will only move in a straight line, but may
bounce off obstacles, taking -1 to ADS of Skin per 10
ft/sec (or part thereof) of Speed when it bounces.
- The Caster must be able to see the Fireball to make it
move or to explode it.
- The Fireball explodes when ADS of Skin = 0, or it takes
damage ³ ADS of Skin, or
Duration expires, or Caster explodes it with light
- A st against the Fire Damage halves the damage taken
(FRU: e.g. 5 is halved to 2), and a further st may then
be made to halve it again. Once a st is failed, the
Target takes the remaining Fire Damage. The min ADS of
any armour that covers the majority of the body subtracts
from the Damage taken. All Damage taken is General