Elementalist Spell Specification

Class: Fire

2. Grenade / 3. Stun Grenade / 3. Word of Grenade / 4. Word of Stun Grenade

BTS: 58% (Co) for L2 Spell / 63% (Co) for L3 Spell / 68% (Co) for L4 Spell

ULT: 60 hours + 20 hours for Stun + 20 hours for Word

Materials: a flame, and a clear line of sight to Target (a magical line of sight through an obstacle does not count)

Actions: point flame at Target to specify it

Word of Grenade and Word of Stun Grenade are Word Spells (no Actions required)

Effect of Throw: for L2 Spell / L3 Spell / L4 Spell

-2 to 7 / 1 to 10 / 2 to 12 Insanity

9 to 10 / 11 to 12 / 13 to 15 Caster takes 2 to 1 / 2 to 1 / 3 to 1 d6 fire damage (no st)

11 to 12 / 13 to 15 / 16 to 19 No Effect

³ 13 / ³16 / ³20 (T-8)/4 FRD d6 fire damage

Range: 20d ft -d(d-1)/2

Speed: 10+10v ft/sec -v(v-1)/2


  1. The Grenade flies straight from the Caster's flame to the Target, and will automatically home in upon and hit the Target, unless it reaches its max. Range (in which case it fizzles out). No concentration by the Caster is required. It will pursue the Target around corners if necessary
  2. On hitting the Target, the Grenade explodes. It affects only a single Target, so has no radius of explosion.
  3. A st against the fire damage halves the damage taken (FRU: e.g. 5 is halved to 2), and a further st may then be made to halve it again. Once a st is failed, the Target takes the remaining fire damage. The min ADS of any armour that covers the majority of the body subtracts from the damage taken. All damage taken is general damage.
  4. Stun Grenade and Word of Stun Grenade also require a living Being which they damage (even a non-corporeal Being) to make a st vs Stunning. If Stunned, the Target must make another st after a number of seconds equal to the points of damage taken in order to recover. If that st is failed, the Target must make another st after the same number of seconds again in order to recover, and so on.