Elementalist Spell Specification
Class: Enchanter
1. Heal Self
BTS = n/a
ULT = 20 hours
Materials: water
Actions: clean wound
Effect of Throw:
-5 to 6 Insanity
7 to 8 Take 2d6 to d6 damage in random Hit Location
9 to 11 No Effect
HPs Healed
12 to 17 (T-9)/3 FRD
>= 18 (T-3)/5 FRD
- Cast on self only. Caster must be a living, corporeal Being for
Spell to have any effect.
- Only cures damage, not effects of damage, but will stop bleeding if
completely heals the wound which is bleeding.
- Spread heal effect amongst wounds, with priority to most serious