Elementalist Spell Specification

Class: Fire

8. Holocaust

BTS: 85% (Co)

ULT: 200 hours

Materials: a flame (Note that the Spell exceptionally requires Materials, despite being a Word Spell, as the Spell takes the flame and turns it into the Holocaust.  The flame goes out in Caster's hands.)

Actions: none

Word Spell

Effect of Throw:

27 to 36 Insanity

37 to 40 25/16/9/4 Dice Holocaust of Radius appears centred on Caster for Duration.  Caster gets no sts.

41 to 45 No Effect

46 to 65    (T-45) Dice of Fire Damage

³ 66    (T-24)/2 FRD Dice of Fire Damage

Dice:    d(6+2x)    -x2

i.e. for:

Range: 120d ft -d(d-1)/2    (may state a Range less than that given by the parameter)

Radius: 60r ft -r(r-1)/2    (may state a Radius less than that given by the parameter)

Height: 60h ft -h(h-1)/2    (may state a Height less than that given by the parameter)

Duration: t min    -t(t-1)


  1. Holocaust is a Fire Spell.  Fire-Vulnerable Beings take double damage from it (multiply the result of the nd6 by *2 before rolling the first st).  It has no effect underwater.
  2. Caster must have a line of sight to centre of Radius when Casting.
  3. If the Holocaust is wholly or partially blocked by a solid object, it only has effect in the unblocked volume.  It will not appear in any volume to which Caster has no line of sight.
  4. No concentration is required to maintain the Holocaust during Duration.
  5. Creates a burning inferno of a constant no. of dice of Fire Damage, which are rolled every second that a Being caught within the Holocaust takes damage. If multiple Beings take damage in the same second, roll the same damage for all of them.
  6. Each Being within the Holocaust must make a st against the Fire Damage each second they are within it.  A Being partially within the Holocaust must save against an appropriate percentage of the Fire Damage.  Making the st halves the damage taken (FRU: e.g. 5 is halved to 2), and a further st may then be made to halve it again. Once a st is failed, the Being takes the remaining Fire Damage. The min ADS of any armour that covers the majority of the body subtracts from the damage taken. All damage taken is General Damage.
  7. Note that Fire Resistance Effects are typically expressed as a subtraction per die of Fire Damage.  Increasing the number of sides of the Dice rolled is therefore useful in overcoming such Effects.  The higher-sided Dice create an even hotter fire, which may incinerate the remains of victims and their possessions.