Elementalist Spell Specification

Class: Fire

1. Magic Missile

BTS: No ST (but see RD below)

ULT: 60 hours

Materials: none

Actions: specify No. Requested by extending arms in direction of fire, pointing a number of fingers equal to the number of missiles requested. To "let them rip", spread fingers, extending palms in required direction.

Effect of Throw:

-1 to 8 Insanity

9 to 10 Hit by 2d6 to d6 MMs in random Hit Locations

11 to 13 No Effect

Max. No.

14 to 19 (T-13)

³ 20 ((T/2)-3)

No. of MMs appearing:

(Max. No.) or (No. Requested), whichever is less. Max. No. appear if Caster "lets them rip".

Range: 30d ft -2(d-1)

Velocity: 10s ft/sec -s(s-1)/2

Damage: d6 + n -n(n-1)

Attack as per Ranged Weapons. A line of sight to Target is required.

A = 2 + ((Max. No.) - (No. Requested)) - (No. of secs. to reach Target: FRU)

RD = (Target’s SL) + (Target’s Magical Prots. adding to RD) + (Target’s speed in ft/sec / 2)

ADS as normal for Hit Location hit, including Target’s Magical Prots. adding to ADS