Elementalist Spell Specification

Class: Planist

2. Planewatch

BTS: 30% (Sg)

ULT: 50 hours

Materials: a piece of filmy material woven from threads

Actions: pass material over eyes

Effect of Throw:

-4 to 5 Insanity

6 to 8 blinded for 4 to 2 min

9 to 12 No Effect

³ 13 See up to 5(T-10) ft on the Astral and Ethereal

Duration: t hrs - t(t-1)/2

Range (to cast on others): d ft -4 + d(d-1)/2


  1. Allows the Target to see from his current (Real, Ethereal or Astral) Plane onto the others, without a minus for Casting between the Planes (unless Cast onto a Target on another Plane).
  2. It has no effect on seeing onto the Plane on which the Target is currently located.
  3. Note that one can normally see onto the Real from the Astral or Ethereal without a distance limitation, so the Spell will normally have no additional effect regarding seeing onto the Real.
  4. The Target still suffers from other constraints on visibility (e.g. it cannot be used to enable blind people to see onto other Planes).
  5. If the Target changes Planes, the Spell is unaffected.