Elementalist Spell Specification
Class: Planist
2. Position / 3. Absolute Position / 4. Triposition
BTS: n/a
ULT: 40 / 60 / 80 hours
ChMod/2 (Mr) applies to the Spell.
Materials: a rod
Actions: stand rod at Location
Effect of Throw: for L2 / L3 / L4 Spell
-4 to 5 / -3 to 6 / -1 to 8 Insanity
6 to 8 / 7 to 10 / 9 to 13 forget 3/4/5 to 1 Locations
previously learnt (select randomly)
9 to 12 / 11 to 15 / 14 to 19 No Effect
³ 13 / ³
16 / ³ 20 Location remembered with
accuracy of 94 + (T-12)% / 94 + (T-15)% / 94 + (T-19)% (max 100%)
- The Spell commits a Location to memory for the purposes
of Planist Spells (e.g. Teleport).
- Position commits the Location to memory
on the Real Plane only. It does not work on other Planes,
in the Dreamworlds, or (probably) in Chaos.
- Absolute Position commits the Location
to memory on the Caster's current Plane only. It works on
the Real, Ethereal, or Astral Planes, in the Dreamworlds,
and (probably) in Chaos.
- Triposition commits the Location to
memory on the Caster's current Plane and its equivalent
locations on the Real, Ethereal, and Astral Planes (as
applicable). It functions as per Absolute Position in the
Dreamworlds, and (probably) in Chaos.
- The Caster must be present at the Location. When
Triposition is cast he briefly appears on all Planes on
which the Location is committed to memory during the
second of resolution (immediately after Casting).
- The usual Teleport penalty applies of -1 per year since
destination last visited (note this is
"visited", not "committed to memory by
Position Spell"). There is no limit to the number of
places which can be committed to memory, whether by
Position Spell or conventional memorisation.