Elementalist Spell Specification

Class: Enchanter

4. Shapechange Self

BTS = n/a

ULT = 110 hrs

Word Spell

Materials: none

Actions: none

Effect of Throw:

3 to 12 Insanity

13 to 15 Caster Shapechanged into the form of a random Being from the Encounter Tables (no st) for d8 / d6 / d4 Caeriads

16 to 19 No Effect

>= 20    Max Sz Difference:    4+(T-19)

Duration:    30t min - t(t-1)/2


  1. Cast upon self only.  Enchanter Spells only affect living bodies.
  2. Caster's body is Shapechanged for the Duration into the form of another living Being (the "Shapechangee") specified by Caster on Casting.
  3. The Shapechange is Caster-specified.  The Shapechangee may be freely specified by Caster, so long as it is a possible living Being.  It does not need to be a form known to or memorised by Caster.  The Elemental will accurately produce a proper form for an actual Being that is correctly named in Casting (e.g. a Desert Warrior who has never seen a polar bear can specify "polar bear" and one will be produced), but imaginary forms will need to be accurately specified by inflections in Incantation and by thought, as the rest is left to the Elemental's discretion.  Named Beings can be accurately produced, even if the Caster has never met them, but if other Beings living or dead have the same name the Elemental may freely choose in the absence of sufficient instructions.  Although this is a Word Spell, extra Incantation time in Old Speech may sometimes be required for instructions.
  4. Caster may specify Sz on Casting, including to a Sz for the Shapechangee that does not normally occur.  If not specified Shapechangee will be of a possible Sz for its species.  If Max Sz Difference is insufficient for that required, the Caster is still Shapechanged, but into a Shapechangee of the nearest Sz possible within the parameter.  Change takes 1/5 sec per pt Sz difference.
  5. Only the Caster's body is Shapechanged.  Clothes and possessions are unchanged (so may be torn / dropped as the change takes place), and the Caster will be naked on changing back.
  6. Shapechange Self is a Shapechange Spell.  See the General Notes on Shapechange Spells and Effects for further explanation of how its Effect works.