Elementalist Spell Specification

Class: Generalist

6. Spell Turning

BTS: 37% (At)

ULT: 175 hours

Materials: a mirror

Actions: reflect Target in Materials

Effect of Throw:

12 to 21 Insanity

22 to 25 Multiply Effect of incoming Spells on Target by 200 to 50%

26 to 30 No Effect

³ 31 Spell Turning at 1 to 5(T-30)%

Duration: 30t min - t(t-1)/2

Range: 10d ft -d(d-1)/2

Cast on object: -4 (moves with object)


  1. Cast on a single Target Being or Object.  If object is within a Being's aura, that Being may make a st.
  2. Spell Turning effect applies to aura of Target Being who fails st or aura of Being carrying Target object.
  3. For any incoming Spell that would affect Target's aura (check before Magic Resistance and saving throws) a percentage of that Spell's effect is Spell Turned between 1 and a maximum percentage given by T.  Roll %age dice and reroll if result is greater than the max. permitted.
  4. The incoming Spell does not have specifically to target the Target Being or aura.
  5. Spell Turning applies to all classes of Spells (Clerical, Druidic or Elementalist), but not to other Magical Effects; e.g. those of Magic Items.
  6. Spells whose effects can be apportioned have those effects partially turned (FRU); e.g. a Cold Beam doing 6d6 Damage rolled at 21 which is 50% Turned will have 11 Damage Turned and 10 will get through, and a -1 Cold Resistance would then stop 3 of the Damage (on the basis this was 3d6 of Damage).
  7. For Spells which have an all or nothing effect, simply make a %age roll, and if it is <= to the max. turned, they are turned; e.g. a Death Spell which is 50% Turned has a 50/50 chance of being Turned in full.
  8. The Turned effect is resolved against the Caster of the Spell, even if this would effectively double the Range.  So in the previous examples, the Caster of the Cold Beam would take 11 Cold Damage (as if by 3d6) and the Caster of the Death Spell would have to make his st vs Death.
  9. Detect / Location type Spell Effects which are successfully Turned enable Target of Spell Turning to Detect / Locate Caster of Detect / Location type Spell.
  10. Note that area Effects may resolve against Beings other than Target of Spell Turning, but will still be Turned insofar as they might otherwise have targeted Target of Spell Turning.  E.g. Target of Spell Turning and 3 other Beings are caught by a Radius Death Spell, which Target successfully Spell Turns.  The 3 other Beings and the Caster of the Radius Death Spell must all save vs. Death.