Elementalist Spell Specification

Class: Enchanter / Fire (Multi-Elemental)

5. Spontaneous Combustion

BTS = 70% (Co)

ULT = 100 hrs

Word Spell

Materials: a flame

Actions: speak Word at Target (who must be located by and with a direct line of sight from the Caster, even if Caster cannot see him)

Effect of Throw:

10 to 19 Insanity

20 to 22 Caster spontaneously combusts with 10 to 8 d6 Fire Damage for intended Duration (no st)

23 to 26 No Effect

>= 27 Fire Damage = (T/3) FRD d6/sec

    St Mod: BTS + 5 sqr. rt. (T-27) (FRD); i.e.

Range:    20d feet    -d(d-1)/2

Duration:    s sec    -5(s-1)


  1. Multi-Elemental Enchanter & Fire Spell: may be Cast as an Enchanter or Fire Spell. If Caster has both an Enchanter Elemental of Level >=5 and a Fire Elemental of Level >=5 Activated, they get +5 on Casting this Spell.

  2. Targets a single Being only.  If Cast as an Enchanter Spell. must be a living Being.

  3. Spontaneous Combustion does Fire Damage (even if Cast as an Enchanter Spell) as General Damage to a Target Being.  Fire-Vulnerable Beings take double damage from it (multiply the result of the nd6 by *2 before rolling the first st).  It has no effect underwater.

  4. The Target must save vs the Fire Damage caused (after any Fire Resistance Effects) for each sec of the Duration (reroll the Fire Damage each sec.).

  5. A st against the Fire Damage halves the Damage taken (FRU: e.g. 5 is halved to 2), and a further st may then be made to halve it again. Once a st is failed, the Target takes the remaining Fire Damage. The min ADS of any armour that covers the majority of the body subtracts from the Damage taken. All Damage taken is General Damage.