Elementalist Spell Specification
Class: Fire
5. Transport via Lightning
BTS: 70% (Co)
ULT: 140 hours
Materials: none
Actions: point a finger to direct Bolt
Word Spell
Effect of Throw:
9 to 18 Insanity
19 to 21 Caster and Passengers take 6 to 4 d6 Lightning Damage (no st) and
Lightning Resistance Effect of this Spell does not apply
22 to 25 No Effect
> = 26 (T-23)/3 FRD Lightning Bolt does d6 Lightning Damage (roll once for
damage caused throughout length of Bolt)
Range of Lightning Bolt (from Caster): 10d ft
-d (may state a maximum Range less than that given by the
Passengers: N living passengers -2N (in addition to Caster
- each must be in physical contact with one of the others)
Weight Carried: 1000w weight points -(w-1) (excluding body
weight of Caster and Passengers)
Lightning Resistance of Caster and Passengers: -(6+r) per
die of Lightning Damage for r seconds -r(r-1)/2
- Transport via Lightning produces a Lightning Bolt which transports
Caster and Passengers directly to its end in the second in which it takes
- The Lightning Bolt appears as a thin bolt of electricity from Caster's hands,
in the direction indicated by the Actions.
- The Lightning Bolt does General Damage to any Target Beings it passes
through and transports the Caster and Passengers past such Target Beings
without their colliding with each other. If it ends at a Target Being, the
Target Being is knocked back by any Lightning Damage it suffers but
otherwise Caster and Passengers will collide with it.
- Each Being hit by the Bolt must make a st against the Lightning Damage
each second they are hit by it. Making the st halves the damage taken
(FRU: e.g. 5 is halved to 2), and a further st may then
be made to halve it again. Once a st is failed, the
Being takes the remaining Lightning Damage. The ADS of
any armour worn does not subtract
from the damage taken. All damage taken is General
- Lightning Bolt is a Lightning Spell. Lightning-Vulnerable
Beings take double damage from it (multiply the result of the d6s by *2
before rolling the first st).
- Caster and Passengers take the Lightning Damage too, but the Lightning
Resistance Effect of the Spell will protect them from it (subject to any
other effects that may apply).
- If the Bolt is blocked by a solid obstacle (e.g. a wall) it will short
out, and deposit Caster and Passengers in front of the obstacle. It passes
through and around Corporeal and Incorporeal Beings in its path
without being blocked or shorting out, hitting all of them.
- If Transport via Lightning Bolt is Cast underwater, everyone within Range * 2d4 in all
directions takes the full Lightning Damage and Caster and Passengers are
Transported to a random point in such sphere.