Elementalist Spell Specification

Class: Gravity

3. Turn Missiles

BTS: 40% (Sz)

ULT: 100 hours

Materials: something reflective

Actions: touch Target with Materials (or point to him if cast at Range > 0)

Effect of Throw:

-1 to 8 Insanity

9 to 11 Incoming missiles get DAM +6/3/1

12 to 15 No Effect

³ 16    Chance of Turning = (50+5(T-15)-5D)%, where D is Damage done by missile (before ADS)

Duration: t min    - 2(t-1)

Range: d ft    -(4+d)    If cast on self, there is no Range minus. If cast on others, Range is at least 0 ft, so there will be a Range minus of at least -4.


  1. Cast on a single Target Being.
  2. Sheathes Target in an invisible force field barrier just outside his aura.  Does not therefore affect outgoing missiles fired by him.
  3. Any incoming missile from a Ranged Weapon or Thrown Weapon or object hitting barrier will be turned if roll <= Chance of Turning on d100.  Roll for each missile separately.  Has no effect on missiles which would miss Target anyway, applying his RD if dodging.
  4. Does not turn incorporeal or Magical missiles, e.g. Magic Missile (but will turn a normal missile which has been enchanted in some way), or slow or non-missile attacks using a missile, e.g slitting Target's throat with a Throwing Knife whilst he is motionless.
  5. If a missile is turned it returns to its firer, subject to its Effective Range not being exceeded, and aiming at a random Hit Location with its original A and re-rolled Damage (both subject to range attenuation) against his RD and ADS.  Note that if firer also has Turn Missiles up, it could be turned back again to Target (subject to Effective Range), etc.
  6. Ranged and Thrown Weapons are assumed to cover each of the 3 Range brackets making up their Effective Range in 1 sec.  E.g. a Throwing Knife with Effective Range 30 ft travels at 10 ft/sec, but a Heavy Crossbow quarrel with Effective Range 450 ft travels at 150 ft/sec.
  7. If missile is not turned, resolve its attack upon Target in normal way, using Damage rolled in Chance of Turning calculation.
  8. Effect is cumulative with Force Field Shield.  Apply Turn Missiles first (before ADS) and if missile is not turned, apply Force Field Shield to its Damage.