Elementalist Spell Specification

Class: Earth

3. Walk Through Walls

BTS: 30% (Co)

ULT: 75 hours

Materials: a thin sheet of slate or metal

Actions: puncture Materials or mime doing so

Effect of Throw:

-1 to 8 Insanity

9 to 11 Caster and any other Beings within Radius (others get a st @ 60% (Co)) become trapped in a cavity in the walls

12 to 15 No Effect

>= 16 Penetration: (T-15) ft

Radius: 5r ft    -r(r-1)/2    (centred on Caster, or on Target if Cast on another)

Range: d ft    -4+(d(d+1)/2)    If cast on self, there is no Range minus. If cast on others, Range is at least 0 ft, so there will be a Range minus of at least -4.

Duration: 1t hr - t(t-1)/2    Each Wall entered subtracts 5 * (no. of Beings entered) min from Duration.


  1. Allows Caster or Target to move on foot through Walls of rock, earth and/or metal ore and minerals in the ground, but not through mined and/or refined metals, opening an area around him of Radius in a half sphere above the ground on which he is moving.
  2. The Radius so opened becomes transparent from all sides to all viewers, so it can be seen through as if Earthseeing, but Light and Light Spells and Effects will not penetrate into it.  Spells may be targeted and Cast through the Radius, so far as not inconsistent with the specs. of those Spells.
  3. Other Beings may also enter and move through the Radius, whether member's of the Caster or Target's party or opponents, but they may only enter from the direction in which the Caster or Target entered the Wall.
  4. There is no restriction on objects or weight carried by those Walking, so long as they are able to carry them within Radius.
  5. The Caster or Target may only travel up to Penetration feet through each Wall on each Walk Through, but may stop and observe whilst doing so and change direction.  Note that the Radius enables seeing further than Penetration.  He may reverse his route without it subtracting from Penetration.
  6. Other Beings moving within the Radius must stay within it until they can exit the wall.  If Caster or Target moves, the edge of the Radiius will become solid wall again, pushing them back (unless they are Earthwalking in their own right.)
  7. If Duration ends whilst Caster or Target and any accompanying Beings are still within a wall, they will be forcibly pushed out (as above) the way they came in, taking 1d6 General Damage (no st) each.  This can occur if an additional Being enters the Radius if Duration is < 5 min.