Elementalist Spell Specification

Class: Enchanter

5. Word of Stun

BTS = 70% (Co)

ULT = 80 hrs

Word Spell

Materials: none

Actions: speak Word at Target (who must be located and capable of being reached without obstruction by a sound projected from the caster)

Effect of Throw:

5 to 14 Insanity

15 to 19 Caster Stunned (no st)

20 to 23 No Effect

>= 24 St Mod: BTS + 5 sqr. rt. (T-24) (FRD); i.e.

Range: 10d feet -d(d-1)/2

Recovery Time: 10s secs -s(s-1) (victim makes Co check to recover each time this elapses: it is not a Duration subject to Extension)


  1. Stuns a single Target Being only.

  2. Enchanter Spells only affect living bodies.

  3. If the Target saves, there is no effect.

  4. A Stunned Target loses control of his body, mind and senses, and will collapse.  He cannot cast thought or reflex Spells or Dream and will not resist being Charmed.