West Post was established as a military outpost in the Second Empire, as Valdran reasserted control over the Western Provinces. After the Demarcation of SARAN in the Year 1500 it grew in importance as the frontier town on the main road into the Bandit Kingdom. The civilian town grew up to service the military, contained within the Outer Wall, which was built at a radius of two miles from the Citadel, with the River Shodra being diverted around it.
On 20 Estender 2501 West Post fell to the Bandits and rebels from the Western Provinces, who renamed it Ralania, after the old Western Emperor. On 15 Numist 2501 the Valdrean army returned and laid siege to it, breaking in on 22 Numist. A running battle followed in the streets. The Citadel Ralania eventually fell on 11 Garrack 2501, following the assassination of the rebel leader, Calan, by Valdrean adventurer teams. The victorious Firanor, Champion of Satril and Lord Warden of the Central Military District then ordered the city razed to the ground, with the people to form work parties to rebuild the war-torn Province, starting with a new castle on the hill above the River Shodra (top left of map).
Castle Shodra became a pure military outpost once again, but those survivors of the populace who had not been shipped off in slavery camped out in the ruins of the old city. As their dwellings became more permanent, they began quietly and semi-ironcally to refer to the place as "New Ralania".
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