Ministers of the Crown of the Valdrean Empire

These are the Executive Officers of the Imperial Central Government, answerable directly to the Emperor, and being Privy Councillors ex officio.

Each Minister has one Second (a trusted adviser appointed by him) and a fixed number of Deputies, to whom he may delegate his duties.

All Ministerial Offices and Deputyships are Duellable. Under the reforms of the Third Empire, each of these offices may be challenged directly by any Noble Champion. Secondments are appointed offices, and are not Duellable.

Nobody may hold more than one Ministerial Office, Secondment or Deputyship at once, or have more than one challenge for a Ministerial Office or Deputyship outstanding at once. If a challenge is successful, the offices are therefore exchanged.

If a Ministerial Office falls vacant (e.g. by death outside a Duel), the Second succeeds. If a Deputyship falls vacant, the Second defends it against challengers, but will commonly make a formal concession (to himself if he wants the office, or to the winner of a series of duels between multiple challengers).

Offices under the Third Empire

Precedence Minister Second Deputies Responsibility Current Holder (13 I 2505)
1. Lord High Chancellor Vice-Chancellor Chief Secretaries

1 Lord Chief Justice

Civil Service


Tarsus, Champion of Satril
2. Lord High Treasurer Under Treasurer Collectors




Tindral, Champion of Gytrasan
3. Lord High Executioner Imperial Torturer 6 Lictors Law Enforcement Dakro, Champion of Normeikl
4. Lord Marshal Vice-Marshal 5 Lords Wardens of Military Districts (Northern, Western, Southern, Eastern and Central) Imperial Army Francesco, Champion of Carrilon
5. Lord Admiral Vice-Admiral 3 Commodores (of the Northern, Hapral and Southern Fleets) Imperial Navy Olvyr, Champion of Jalaskir
6. Lord Censor Master of the Rolls Enumerators Records  & Information Glaryv, 2nd Champion of Gytrasan
7. Director of Imperial Works Head of Planning Supervisors Buildings & Environment Rodric, 2nd Champion of Carrilon
8. Director of Diplomacy Chief Legate 11 Ambassadors Foreign Relations Emirron, Champion of Tarm
9. Director of the Food Supply Secretary Regional Directors Food Supply Jafat, 2nd Champion of Heaven
10. Director of the Inquisition into Demon Summoning Secretary 12 Inquisitors Suppression of Demon Summoning Lissir, Champion of Bavenne
11. Director of the Academia Magicae Valdrensis Dean 3 Tutors Magic-Use Andane, 5th Champion of Heaven
12. Master of the Imperial Games Master of the Beasts 5 Masters of Ceremonies Imperial Games Mildor (aka Loren), 3rd Champion of Heaven
13. Co-ordinator of Provincial Government Under Co-ordinator 1 Lord Governor of Valdran

Provincial Governors

Uniformity of Local Government Nestor, 3rd Champion of Tarm
14. Attorney- General Solicitor-General 32 Imperial Counsel Litigation & Prosecution Varrius, 3rd Champion of Tarm
15. Chairman of the Council of Guildmasters Vice-Chairman Imperial Guildmasters


Professions & Trades Metullus, 2nd Champion of Tarm

Go to Ministers as at 6 I 2505 or 19 IX 2503

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