Arms of the City of Bjarmigen

Arms of the City of Bjarmigen



Arms of the House of Bjorn

Arms of the Royal House of Bjørn


Capital City of the Kingdom of the North

Bjarmigen is the capital city of the Kingdom of the North, having a population of c100,000 souls.  It produces a feudal levy of 300 huscarls, 500 bondi, 800 militia, 200 archers (total 1800 troops), 180 horses and 50 ships, taking 1 day to raise.

Bjarmigen has always been a Royal city, the seat of the Kings of the North, who rule from their stronghold of Castle Bjarmigen.

It is the largest port and trading centre in the North.  In its markets can be found trade goods from all across the Great Ocean, as well as the local sheep, cattle and fish.  The quality of its craftsmen is renowned, but none more so than its armourers (the best shops being found along the Northern part of Northgate).

The city is cosmopolitan in its beliefs, and all the major religions are represented (though those of Evil are underground).  In the Year 2500 the Temple of Heaven on Earth relocated to Bjarmigen, amidst a Civil War in the Kingdom and an Evil invasion in the North West.  The resulting upheavals led to the Temple being established as the Temple of Peace on Earth, minus the Temple of SARAN on Earth (which was relocated instead to Valdran).  The Temples of KOROS, SHELDA and ESCUS on Earth moved to Church of ESCUS land in Memorial Park, Bjarmigen in Jerem 2501, following the Schism in the TPE as a result of the Battle of Rockholme.

The Thieves' Guild of Bjarmigen and the Ancient and Noble Guild of Beggars, Rumourmongers and Mountebanks are both active in Bjarmigen, which has a somewhat undeserved (in comparison with other cities) reputation for being a risky place to walk the streets.  The best place for rumourmongers is Relocation Avenue, with the best pitches close to the TPE commanding high rentals.

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