* Restricted Information: those with access to the Library only

Bibliotecha Imperatoris Valdrensis

(The Valdrean Imperial Library)

Amongst the greatest achievements of the Valdrean Empire is its contribution to learning and civilisation. Since the days of the old Valdrean Monarchy, before the foundation of the First Empire in the Year 500, the rulers of the city of Valdran have maintained a library on the present site in the heart of the city. With few exceptions, it has been the policy of the Emperors to build up the Imperial Library (as the old Royal Library became) as not just the central repository of records, information and learning for the Empire, but also as the greatest storehouse of knowledge in the World. Generations of skilled librarians have been encouraged and funded to build up an unrivalled collection of books and scrolls of all kinds from all over the World, and have developed, maintained and perfected indexing systems sufficient to enable proper use of this vast resource. But both Library and indices have grown to such an extent that even the present army of librarians are not familiar with more than the most commonly-used rooms, shelves and volumes, together with those specialised areas in which individuals have made their studies. For the present Library site occupies an exact square mile of central Valdran, and who knows what secrets are hidden within its maze of rooms and passages?

The Library site is within the Sacred City, between the Satril and Gytrasan quarters and touching on the Citadel (into which it has a special gate through the City Wall for use only by the Nobility). The grandiose central Library building adjoins a host of other buildings; some specially built for the Library, others converted from previous uses. A series of pleasant and humdrum courts, cloisters, gardens and avenues connects the whole. The outside wall is fortified and the City Guard are on duty.

The Library is open throughout the day, and at night by special arrangement. Access is, of course, restricted, the final say resting with the Head Librarian. The Nobility have Open Access to all sections not specifically Restricted (e.g. works of Chaos, or Grimoires of Demonology).

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